
If you care about global warming....

Why are you on your computer??

If millions of people got off the net.

What would be the carbon reduction??

Stop gaming.



"Please save the Polar Bears"

You are texting and killing thousands of baby seals...

When Inuit people run into hard times they hunt seals.

Skins, meat and oil...

Stop texting or get rid of the Inuit People...

How could you hate like that????

Do you hate baby seals????

Please educate yourself. It helps the rest of us....

"Please help to ban texting so we can save the Planet Earth"

Dumbed down.......

It has now become far more than a joke.....

Our world today......

They are sure you do not cherish the world..
You are killing the polar bear and the African

Get this in your head "THEY" are telling "YOU"
it's your fault.

"THEY" are telling "YOU" that if you give "THEM"
all your "MONEY" everything will be fine...

"YOU" are "IDIOTS"

You are being sold into slavery thinking big corp.
plastic is killng the planet.

"Keep that water bottle nearby!!!"

You are being lied to.........

Please wake up.............


Aihiest...You gotta be kidding....

I do not know how to put in words..

I will however, use the words of others...

"There are no ahiest in a fox hole"
"Any sex other than Male- female doggy style
is devient"
"Why ask God for help if you are sure he does
not exist?"
"Why do you need money?????

Tell the Feds you need to hit the lottery and then
go to Vegas and roll the dice.

In the end let them tell you there is no God...

Give them your paycheck and your life...
Your kids.....
Your property....
Your wife.....
Your liberty....

My God may not be the same as yours....

The story seems to be universal.....

"DO NO HARM....{Period}"

Have fun with the ahiest {I-Hiest} thing............



You are about to see the transfer of everything you own
{or think you own}
To world banks.....

This is why you could buy a 50 k car and drive it
off the lot. But if you bought a 50 k home they wanted
30 years of paper on it...

The gig was to never let you own the property...
If you do not own it {outright} you really have no property

How does it feel????

This has been going on for thousands on years...

The rich "Soul" jack the poor and another 500 years
goes under the bridge....

Ignorence is not Bliss. There is no difference between
you and any other slave of the past.

You are being hearded into forced servitude and will be culled..

"It is too late to save you, but you can save your kids."

I'll be fine..
Left alone or killed....

Either will be fine with me.....

Good luck in the fall...

At the rate they are moving it looks like this....

1) We are getting bum rushed because we are stupid...

2) Some natural disaster is approaching and we are stupid..