

In a few hours it will be 2009

I don't want to be an ass&%$le tonight, but.......
I can't help myself.........

This is the 2009th year we have had to work on it and here is what we have come up with.

- We still burn fossils {wood, coal, oil}
- We know less about our world and the universe than the cavemen did.
- We consume like some crazy virus.
- We teach our young nothing but crap
- We think discipline and respect got burried with Grandpa.
- We think the goverment will pay.
- We think a hummer can be bought and will run on lottery tickets.

-We did however figure out how to kill more of each other in the name of God
than in any other time.


Happy New Year



My Gift to You this Xmas........

For all of you out there fearing what the future holds, I have a gift for you....


The future will play out the way it always does and the way it and Karma, God, Buda, Alla, ets, Santa and the Easter bunny want it to.

Let me explain,
The bad economy and the bailouts should be good news for most of us.
Most of the population {us} live in the lower end of the middle class. We have a home, a couple used cars and more than one TV. This group of people comprise the largest source of wealth on the planet "Joe the plumber is one of us".

When the mighty fall and the politicos, banks, unions and Wall Street whores are selling each other off and going to jail it levels the playing field for us.
They are nothing without us and like spoiled children that will push your buttons until they think you are mad its a failed plan.

Our new president was correct about sharing the wealth although he did not state it correctly. We will spread our collective wealth with each other and not continue to give them the lions share. This in turn will result in less Wall Mart and more Ma & Pa Marts.

You will know your grocer again.....
The guy that fixes your car will see you in that store.....
Joe the plumber and his kids will be swimming in your pool at your cook out.....

"This is how it has always been because it is the only way it works"

Remember when you used to look foward to December 25 instead of the 26th.
You will be there soon, so take a breath, look inside yourself and have no fear.

MERRY XMAS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Here are questions you will never here.....

"Mr. Govenor didn't you go around the state giving out large cardboard checks totaling tens of millions of dollars?

How can you claim the state is bankrupt such a short time later?

What happened to the 2 million you gave to the failed 2 dollar water taxi in Pgh.?

What's up with the slush fund? Can I get some bailout "wealth sharing" from it?

What seinor citizen gets benefits from the lottery?

We here that every day quoted in the plural but would like to know who they are since we don't know any of them.

If I buy the turnpike do I have to take all those useless construction markers in the deal?

How can Pgh. politicos scream bridges to no where when they represent a city of bridges and are digging a tunnel under the river?

How do you sleep at night?

Just ranting {lol}

For us Pgh people..........

Did anyone notice that the crummywealth of Pa. has a monopoly on almost all of our vices.
I stand corrected it would seem the oldest profession in the world is alive and well in Harrisburg.
-+50% interest in casinos.

Someone please explain to me how a 10% drink tax can be added to alcohol that already is taxed for the Johnstown flood {90 years ago}

If you spend $10 on alcohol $1.90 goes to rebuild Johnstown {90 years) and $1.00 goes to the Port Auth.
The problem is that 19 cents is tax on tax. Exactly how can you apply tax to tax and get away with it "only in the good ole USA"

What I just explaned in two sentences would take 5 years and 5 million dollars to get into a court and the paperwork would require cutting down a forest.

Don't that make you feel good......

I think I will apply for a $100 bailout and I would be willing to bet that the answer would be "we don't have the budget"


"Our most heartfelt wishes for you and yours"

Happy Holidays

Been Gone a long time.....

It has been a year of loss...
I have not written for some time because my life has reflected the rest of the world.

I have lost loved ones, money, percieved progress in the world, a level of dignity, a personal sense of prosperity, a trust in the powers that be (goverment or Karma). But...............

I feel good.............

I like the world ..............
I want to share something with you for the holidays.
I don't give a @#$% what the goverment does, they can spend all they want.
I asked my german shepard what he thought about the bailout and he said " toy, toy,play,play pee,sniff,toy,toy,treat,treat,pee,toy,toy,treat,treat".
It occured to me that my dog should be voted into the half term elections and for your info his name is "Bucaneer"
Pirating the public booty would be perfect for him as long as it means feasting and playing for him is just fine.
When it comes to heat ,light,food,shelter and saftey, he comes running to me and is always sniffing at my back pocket. "the one with the wallet in it"


Food for the mind...........

If I walk into a court room and testify , someone may get a death sentence. If I walk into a court room and swear I saw a UFO I would be laughed at.
Does that not strike you as odd.............


POLICE "My hat is off to you"

I was running around all day today and the Police were out in force. (no pun)

The crack down on gangs seems to be far reaching and the cops are on it.

Keep up the good work and stay safe......


The Property Tax Stick in Your Eye........

For the past ten years Allegheny County and GLS have been taking homes from the elderly in our area and now the have found a heart and want to eliminate taxes for those elderly.

"I have to laugh at this to keep from crying"

Here is the truth:

- The County sold all its tax liens to GLS for pennys on the dollar. Then GLS
used the Allegheny County Courts to sheriff sale thousands of properties
forcing property owners including thousands of elderly, out of their homes.
GLS made huge profits and the Sheriffs office was turned into the "City of
Sodom" when it came to property rights.
Some of the culprits are still in jail but that doesn't help anyone.
GLS sold everything they could with highly inflated legal fees (remember they
used the courts we pay for) and then turned around and sued Allegheny Co.
So our leaders decided to buy back what GLS could not steal and tell us it is
to fix em up. {This story is in the Trib. today}

- Our leaders know full well that the property grab from the elderly is over.
Most have been gobbled up and are gone or the children of the elderly have
taken over the burden of the property for all sorts of reasons.

So don't kid yourself, when you saw an old lady on the news leaving her home of 60 years for the last time escorted by a Sheriff "YOU PAID FOR IT TWICE"

I have first hand knowledge of this system having had to pay 7000.00 to save an elderly couples home over a ten year old 179.00 dollar claim.

In defense of those who bought properties that really where on the up and up (and I am one) good for you. In the begining it was a good thing and some good deals were made on properties that were abandoned. In the end years of GLS it was just an all out rip off of properties all condoned by our leaders. I don't recall anyone holding Danny O's feet to the fire when the Sheriffs Dept. had to put each other in jail, but all those people lost so much over so little.

Should read:
Just go to the Post Gazette web sight and search "Sheriff Sales" and you will see how long this has been going on.


Put Your Hat On.........



A) It's in the news (they wouldn't tell you)

B) Not the first time it happened.....

C) We aren't the only country with spy birds up there......

D) Everyone on the planet was iradiated by a US spy bird that didn't make it to
stable orbit.....

E) If it has any sensative equipment onboard, they will destroy it.

And the list goes on and on...........

I hope they get it under control. These satellites are vital to our world and there is always a possibility that something can go wrong.
No one cheers when the transmission goes out in their car................(lol)

Do Not Put On Your Tin Foil Hat {Yet}

At 3:33am 01/29/2008 an Iron object in space will pass close to the Earth. This asteroid is called TU24-2007. TU24 is about 1500 ft long and will pass by the Earth about 334,000 miles away (1.5 times the distance to the moon).

It will not be shiny like a comet or even be seen by most of us like the millions of things that fly by everyday.

An object this size is a grain of sand in the universe and it will barely blink at us as it passes at 44,000 miles per hour.

If you have a good telescope you might be able to see it. (Look in the NW sky around the North Star) TU24 will be a faint blip moving about 3 times faster than the background)


Do they think we are all that stupid....

The federal government absolutely thinks you are a moron..........

The Feds want to give each and every one of you $600.00 as a proposed economic stimulus incentive.

They don't seem to have the 145 Billion dollars that it will cost so they are going to borrow it. (That is correct BORROW IT)

I would like to know who is going to float the people of the United States this loan as our own banks don't want to loan us a dime.

If this money comes from say China and we run out and buy a bunch of crap made in China, WE STILL OWE THEM THE MONEY.....

Handing out checks for $600 in my opinion is the same as giving children your pocket change so they can buy candy. (It's no good for them but will shut them up)

Our government seems unwilling to do the one thing that would have the most impact on the wealth and well being of it's people. "Lower Fuel and Utility Costs"

The cost of fuel {oil} is the one thing that hits everyone in the pocket. I don't care who you are or how much you make. Goods have to get to the stores, people have to get to work, the cable guy has to run his truck to hook you up, and so on.

If the countries of the world that really want to make money from the US cash cow,please help us lower our fuel costs. If they hand out $600 to every citizen it will be spent by most on crap in less than 1 month. What is the 60 day plan? There isn't one.

The problem is that you are going to take this high interest $600 loan if you want it or not. You will never have to make a payment because they will just take it out of your paycheck later.

If they could lower fuel costs by say $1.00 almost all of us would save way more than $600. Food and services costs could come back closer to most peoples income levels and would provide a better long term solution.

The bonus for them is that you really would have more money to spend on crap.......

Do you Love the Gov....

If in his official capacity as Govenor, he knew about and condoned a "We look the other way" tax policy. He should be in jail as this would be an ongoing crime.

What if you are one of the "Mom & Pop" taverns that was collecting and paying the tax and your competion wasn't?

Who was making the decision as to who should pay and who get's a pass?

What now? Give back all the money collected or try to collect from those who didn't pay?

Anyway you look at this situation it will cost the state tens of millions to investigate and find a solution to this drink tax rip off.

Who will pay for it? YOU WILL


8 degrees in the Burgh this morning..........

Still, it has been a great winter....................



I had to go into downtown Pgh. the other day. The one thing that struck me was the number of buses running around the narrow streets with no riders.

I know there is a need at peak hours for the bus service, but I think someone should take a look at the system.

It seems to me you could unclog that mess down there with a few well thought out plans. It would make getting in and out of town smoother for everyone..

Sewage in the rivers.........

For all of you going crazy over the dumping of sewage into a local river....

Welcome back to Earth.......

Every time it rains Alcosan runs the entire sanitary sewer system into the local rivers (they fly orange flags to tell swimmers and skiers to stay out of the water)

They do still charge you for this service.......

In defense of Alcosan they can not handle the sewer flows that come off of our hills when it rains. The amount of water running off of Mt. Washington alone would flood out even a huge system.....

The rivers handle it very well, but remember almost all the drinking water around here comes out of the rivers. It would seem it is a very expensive recycling program......


The Allegheny County Tax Scam

For all of us in Allegheny County we are being told a fairy tale.

And this is it...
"We need this drink tax to fund mass transit so we don't have to raise property taxes"


A} Nobody really cares about the Allegheny County property tax, as it is low.
It the school taxes that are killing everyone that owns property.

B} If the county raises your property tax it would be a fixed amount and would
have limits and be easy to put checks on. With this drink tax the sky is the
limit on how much they can collect and who is going to monitor any surplus

C} If they up everyones property tax $50 it would amount to $50 million.
That's $20 million more than they said the Port Auth. was short.
I figure that I have paid about $20 in drink tax already this year. At
this rate the county will collect about $500 in drink tax from me alone,
so if you do the math they will be collecting about 15 times as much as they
say they need and far more than they could ever get in property tax.