
The Allegheny County Tax Scam

For all of us in Allegheny County we are being told a fairy tale.

And this is it...
"We need this drink tax to fund mass transit so we don't have to raise property taxes"


A} Nobody really cares about the Allegheny County property tax, as it is low.
It the school taxes that are killing everyone that owns property.

B} If the county raises your property tax it would be a fixed amount and would
have limits and be easy to put checks on. With this drink tax the sky is the
limit on how much they can collect and who is going to monitor any surplus

C} If they up everyones property tax $50 it would amount to $50 million.
That's $20 million more than they said the Port Auth. was short.
I figure that I have paid about $20 in drink tax already this year. At
this rate the county will collect about $500 in drink tax from me alone,
so if you do the math they will be collecting about 15 times as much as they
say they need and far more than they could ever get in property tax.

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