

I love every one of you.........

But you have to be kidding me..............

It is so easy to go along with the crowd, grapevine, media or
the passing word.....


You spent most of your life wading through the untruthes.....

How does that work in your world.........

Being lied to will only work well for you if you know
you are being lied to............

Most people know and then take action that they know
is based on a lie.....


{The liar then has all the control}

The three biggest lies ever told go like this....

-The check is in the mail....

-I will not cum in your mouth...

-I am from the government and I am here to help you...


One more time......

Carbon Dioxide is the fizzy stuff in your

It is what you exhale....

It has no effect on the planet.

:In fact the forests need the CO2 to live....

This is the biggest lie ever pushed onto the people
for no reason....

Anyone that agrees that CO2 is screwing the planet
earth should be eating a Blue crayon and peeing in
their diaper.....

No Proof at All.

All faked evidence.........

Al Gore will make "Billions"

How sad

You are being "Country Jacked"

TGIF again......

You sheepeople will get sold agian...

Fleeced by complete lies......

They scam you about health care and ram in
Cap and Trade and Card Check.

How is it possible that you are that stupid?????

They don't even care about the lies....

They know you are that dumb.........

Get ready to turn out the lights with a wimper....

You will not be able to roar...............

When your kids are hungry and they laugh at you.

"Do Not tell any of us we did not try to help you"

I will be busy helping my loved ones and will not have
time for you and yours..........

Good Luck, God Bless
I will be fine.


Over the edge......

The N. Koreans are going to nuke
Pearl Harbor.......

You really have to be kidding me.........

Let me ask a simple question......
"How do you want your Tuna cooked???"

{Microwaved from space or cruise missle broiled}


Thrown under the bus????


-If you are being shot at, who knows!!!!!

-What if you need bus parts???

The trick is not to go under the wheels and isn't
that the truth....

The wheels keep turning and the vehicle is much
larger than a bus....

The big wheels always follow a path....

As long as you do not put yourself in the path
you will not get run over....

But....big wheels get stuck and have piss poor traction..

"Just a thought"


Advice for Men.....

You are not complaining if you are doing the
If you are sitting on your ass claiming that it
is too tough. "Get a TuTu"
If you are working and she is bitching then you
are doing the right thing.
She does not know or even think about what you do..
"You would not put that on her"
That's what makes you a man....

The absolute faith a strong man has can never be

Worn down, busted out and still able to
maintain a smile in the toil....

I feel my grand-paps face when I feel that way...

Grey wiskers scratching a little boy's cheek.

He was a great guy.....

You younger men have to step up now...

The world is going to change and here is my

"Smart wins...."

"Evil relies on stupidity and the easy"

You demand from a strong position or you threaten
from a weak position........


I will give credit when due.....

Our new Prez..

Every {nut} group with an idea has bellied up to the

-UFO people
-Global warming
-antiGum (yes Gum)
-Chemtrails, hollow Earth, ACLU, etc...

Since the election, we have seen every crazy group
out there, come forward.....

They all think because they voted that they are owed what
they want. {and think they will get it}


Unless your cause is profitable for the powers friends or
carries some political favors for the powers, your cause
goes under the bus.......

The dumbing down of America "Worked"

The new prez. is very good at his job.......

TGIF...The weekend is coming....

What will be this weekend scare.....

-Swine Flu
-Missle strike
-global warming
-failing states
-speaker of the house
-the Fed.

Every weekend from Jan. it has been something

I'll make you a bet......

When the prez comes back from overseas, you will see
gas prices go way up.

Just in time for summer and the new GM cars and all...

"They are sitting on ton's of those crappy cars they
can not sell"

You didn't get hit yet.....

GM & Chrysler........

Mark my words......

You will hear two things the minute GM
emerges from this fake fold up.....

1) Ford cars are the devil and will kill your kids.....

2) Any used car {out of warrenty} is the devil and
will kill your kids and the planet.

The UAW will use the new government to force
everyone to buy their cars...

They will also force everyone that touches the new
generation cars to be a UAW member..

From AAA right down to the scrapyard guy.....

"Wait 1 year and tell me I'm wrong... I'll Wait"

How's that global warming thing going???

Don't get to smug.......

It does not matter what we do.....

The sun is in a longer than usual "Solar Minimum"

{No Sun Spots}

Let me explain:

"The sun is in sleepy mode and when it wakes up
it wakes up cranky"

It could wake up on Friday or it could wake up
10,000 years from now.........

We have been around but have not been keeping records
long enough to predict what will happen.

5,000 years is not enough data...........

On the bright side, it would seem that nothing
ever wipes man off the planet.

Meteors, earthquakes, volcanos, UFOs, locusts,
forest fires, floods, pandemics etc......

We seem to just adapt to the changes and press on...

Millions of years of changes and yet here we are....

"I love it"

All the global warming crap is a money grab...........

Like I tell all my close friends.....

"Take a look around, this is the garden of Eden
please do your best to take care of it. "

All we have to do to protect this planet is to pay attention
to it. You can have your SUV and your plastic bags and
also have good food and a cleaner greener planet to live on..

When it is no longer popular for governments along with world
banks to plunder the people. They will find that they will
collect far more money if it gets used for noble purposes...

"Funny how they never figure that out"