
I will give credit when due.....

Our new Prez..

Every {nut} group with an idea has bellied up to the

-UFO people
-Global warming
-antiGum (yes Gum)
-Chemtrails, hollow Earth, ACLU, etc...

Since the election, we have seen every crazy group
out there, come forward.....

They all think because they voted that they are owed what
they want. {and think they will get it}


Unless your cause is profitable for the powers friends or
carries some political favors for the powers, your cause
goes under the bus.......

The dumbing down of America "Worked"

The new prez. is very good at his job.......

1 comment:

  1. The prez has his last laugh after being and still
    being malined in the news media most of them..!!
    has trully the the last laugh sitting down on his ranch giggling like some little school child
    with the song running threw head HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW...!! Its going to take years to undo what the CRIMINALS on CRAPITAL HILL have done..!
    Congress needs to be set at term limits just like the PREZ. does. this administration has spent more tax payer monies than any that has come before and there not done yet..!!!
    Show the people shiny things.. scare them once a week... Give out great speaches that answere
    nothing..!! and sistamaticaly dismantle America ..!!! Beware of a President who wears knee pad's...

    We are living on a GIANT sh#t sandwich and everyone has to take a bite..!

    think before you vote... sayeth MAN 2012


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