
My Gift to You this Xmas........

For all of you out there fearing what the future holds, I have a gift for you....


The future will play out the way it always does and the way it and Karma, God, Buda, Alla, ets, Santa and the Easter bunny want it to.

Let me explain,
The bad economy and the bailouts should be good news for most of us.
Most of the population {us} live in the lower end of the middle class. We have a home, a couple used cars and more than one TV. This group of people comprise the largest source of wealth on the planet "Joe the plumber is one of us".

When the mighty fall and the politicos, banks, unions and Wall Street whores are selling each other off and going to jail it levels the playing field for us.
They are nothing without us and like spoiled children that will push your buttons until they think you are mad its a failed plan.

Our new president was correct about sharing the wealth although he did not state it correctly. We will spread our collective wealth with each other and not continue to give them the lions share. This in turn will result in less Wall Mart and more Ma & Pa Marts.

You will know your grocer again.....
The guy that fixes your car will see you in that store.....
Joe the plumber and his kids will be swimming in your pool at your cook out.....

"This is how it has always been because it is the only way it works"

Remember when you used to look foward to December 25 instead of the 26th.
You will be there soon, so take a breath, look inside yourself and have no fear.

MERRY XMAS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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