
So Danny O went to the Super Bowl........

So what.....

Most of us would go via whatever means we
could muster........

Spending donor money is tacky but well
within his rights.......

As a leader he has to be involved in events
to hone skills and gain insight.....

In my opinion the trip is a good thing in many ways....

So, Go Danny Go, Get a couple cold ones and
meet and greet at the game.......

Note: Having spent a lot of time in the Tampa
area most people here would be in shock
to know how many people there are from PGH..


You have to be kidding...........

9 Days, It only took 9 days !!!
The new powers that be took 9 days to change our lives forever.
"This must have been planned for years"

How can you revamp the economic base of the world
without at least asking anyone?

Mr. President if you are angry that big biz CEOs took
taxpayer money and gave it to each other.
Why don't you do something about it?
If you can't, who can?

How can you say, you cannot give money to the people
or they will bank it or use it to pay bills?
Didn't you say the banks are in trouble because people
don't have money in banks (savings) and
don't pay their bills?

If your new government is going to spend more and take
in less how do you expect to meet obligations?
{Less working Tax Payers + (3 x Tax Obligation) = Disaster}

Note: Please stop vomiting "Global Warming"
Man made "Global Warming" is true. It is a man made
term for something that is not and will not occur.

Note: Please stop vomiting renewable energy
Firewood is renewable energy!
Thermodynamic and Refuse Burn Plants are better ideas.
"We are idiots"
We carry tons of stuff into our houses and then
carry tons of stuff out to the curb.

Note: Please stop vomiting new power grid
Large power grids cost the end user all the money.
"Ask any Duq. Light customer"
Small, local and easier to maintain make more sense.

Do you realize that if you build a houses into the
hillsides (like we have in Pa.) instead of on top of the
hillsides? You would save about 85% of your heating
and cooling bills. You would also be safer from
what Mother Nature throws at us (storms, lightning, etc.)

10,000 years ago they lived in caves (solid safe habitat)
But instead of perfecting a good idea we let the
"Powers That Be"

Tell us the sky is falling and push us outside!!!!


Stormy Weather.......

I have some time today because of the weather.........

-Is your street salted yet?
"I was out around North Side for about 3 hours and saw one (1) city truck"
A big Thank Ya to the guy plowing and salting Brighton Road...
I'm sure they are all out.....
-OUT for repairs
-OUT of fuel
-OUT at lunch
-OUT of salt
-OUT of budget
" If you are not going to salt when it snows don't go on TV claiming you are"

-I have an idea, Let the guys who put the cold patch
in the potholes salt the roads they seem to get that
stuff all over the place in a hurry.

- I'm not saying you guys do a bad job at it.
Steep hills, narrow streets, traffic, rain to ice make it a tough job.
Poor planning on a day like today is not in the interest of public safety.
Rapidly freezing roads and an approaching rush hour mean

- Some people in this city are spoiled. It is winter in Pgh. it snows here
in the upper Ohio Valley. By Pittsburgh standards today is barely a
bad winter event. People don't prepare well and panic then watch the
news and really panic.

- The City, Media and Public should all get together on

standard warnings for weather events.
In Florida they issue a 3 P's warning {Plants, Pipes and Pets} for areas
that get cold.

- There are a million things you can do to prepare for this weather
We have it every year.

KEEP WARM......................

Here We Go...........

We Need to remember what this team does for this city!
All high energy good thoughts can't be a bad thing!
If we all keep that up in the off season we always win!

Let me explain that last post...

I was talking with someone and he explained that sometimes when he is alone he gets overcome by all his inner fears. To him it is something like being frozen in a block of ice comprised of all his fears. {future, money, health}

I explained to him that fear is normal and is his worst Enemy. Fear is an emotional resonse to threats and danger. It is the most commonlly used weapon
on Earth. It is being used against us as we speak.

WAR- Do what we want or die

Religion- Do what we want or go to hell

Social Security- Vote for me or the other guy will take yours.

Port Auth.- Give us more money or walk in the snow

Fed Government- Give us all the money and power or you will be:
{Homeless, Global warmed, Broke, Starving, Everything Bad}

Money- Remember " Thou shalt not worship false gods "

And so on and so on. Some fears are real and should be heeded, but most are not. A minor concern can grow all by itself into a major fear. If you limit youself by letting fear run your life you will be lost.

Fear grows and spreads like wildfire. One person can spread it to thousands.
Remember it is illegal to yell fire in a theater because it causes a reaction to fear.
So next time you are afraid think it through. If you are cornered by a Lion be very afraid, but if you are just going to be a little late paying a bill don't sweat it.


Food for Thought..........

Did you ever have life contact you in a private moment?
Did it scare you?
"If this is your only problem, you are the hand picked"

Do not be scared..

"God, in whatever form, will be there for you.......

"Fear is normal"


Say it isn't so.........

The tunnel under the river project ran out of money...........100 million $'s
{Thank God I live on the N. Side, I don't know how I will cross the big wet thing}

How is it possible that you people are in charge of this authority ????????

How can you ask for more and sleep at night ??????

You grabbed that Federal money for the project thinking you could come back for more at any time. What a difference a day makes?

Let me clue you in, "Doubt it will happen, you guys will most likely have to eat this tunnel"

{Glutiny is a sin, not against God, but against self}

Forget Port Auth, or Gold Auth, start to think M.O.R.O.N.S Auth.
Make Our Region Only Need Sleds
This way by the time you guys in management catch up with the times, we will be well into the new Ice Age. Sleds will then become vital to mass transportation and you will have the market cornered.


Darwin vs. DNA

Read the Newsweek story on MSN about Darwinism.......
At long last the truth "DNA is preprogramed to turn on or off certain traits"
Darwin was wrong, the answers are in intelligent design.........


Type: DNA program:.................................................................... Result:

Human- Brain/on, Fur/low, sex/on, feed/on, talk/on-.................... Human
Ape- Brain/low, fur/on, sex/on, feed/on, talk/off-......................... Ape
Fish- Brain/low, fur/off, sex/on, feed/on, talk/off-......................... Fish
Reptile- Brain/low, fur/off, sex/on, feed/on, talk/off-.................... Reptile
Politician- Brain/off, fur/low, sex/mix, feed/all, talk/all-............... Our world

Mother Nature only evolves things it needs in any creature to insure survival.

So if you go by that basic rule, Politicians although lower on the scale than reptiles are suited to current worldwide enviroments (LOL)

Note: These are some good vids on this subject at



Letting these men out of jail is a sickening win for justice
Two good families destroyed by a host of scum bags
We all know who belongs in jail but it will never happen
At least the guys will get back home
So chin up and I'll give Mr. Bush a grudging Thank You


Congrats....Mr. President

"Congratulations Mr. President"
You now preside over the best and the worst man has to offer
I wish you God's hand in your efforts
Blessings for you and yours


Our new Prez....

In a couple of days we will have a new Prez.......

He is taking on a job that nobody else wanted. Think about it, none of the usual culprits ran on any ticket. For all the hype and hoopla the entire election was void of anyone that had the credentials to ask the people for permission to run the free world.

I don't know much about Mr. President Obama, I don't know his personal or political stand on anything. That's OK with me because if he wants the job, I say God Bless.

I hope you are a good man, there are people that need you. The numbers range in the millions, good bad or indifferent you won the job as their leader. You now have to face some of the worst things that this earthly world has to offer.

If you have it in your heart you will make it, if not you will answer to yourself. Ignore what's in your heart and you will suffer, lead with your heart and you will be able to overcome these times.

Now for the crazy right:

-God loves everyone even Democrats

-Oil is a crappy solution to the world's problems

-Socialism will never take hold in the US. {take away one Ipod and you will get hung}

-Everyone has to go a little greener {it just makes sense}

-Talk radio is not going to start the revolutionary war so start your book tours like everyone else

-Most of you guys should use your real names {grow a set}

-Stop calling other people "Limo Librals" while you watch Fox News in your jet

Now for the crazy left:

-Are you all crazy?

-You better get more info on the cause of global warming because we are in for galactic warming.

-Stop pandering to your special interests

-If a Spotted Owl chokes on a cigarette butt and flys into a puddle of oil "*#@* happens"

-Stop hugging trees and plant one.

-Polar bears eat baby seals

-Nuclear energy is clean and safe {What powers our naval fleet?}

-Worry less about the Today Show and more about "Today"

-Giving away money to big banks is like giving candy to children
{They will hide some and keep coming back for more then cry when its all gone}

Thats all folks.......


Cold Enough for Everyone???????

-5 deg.


Say you came here in a UFO..........

You drop from the sky and step out of your advanced tech. ride..........

Here is what would greet you.........

-Guys in black suits
-Military with guns

Then you would be subject to Earthly politics {who gets to keep and do tests on you}
You would be locked in some underground base for the rest of your days........
Oh, your high tech ride will be in parts all labeled "Property of Government"

You would see for all purposes the worst our people have to offer and
never be allowed out to see the wondrous things we have......

No matter what your name is they will call you "The Alien"
{All you did was stop on this space debris for a drink of water}

Here's the difference:

If you jump a fence in Texas they will call you "An Alien"
{The guys with the guns cannot touch you}

You get-

-Keys to the City, a parade, a new car, a green card, a job, healthcare, education, etc.........
{All you wanted to do was drop off the drugs you smuggled in}

Go Figure


Here is an idea.....

If you want to do the planet Earth a big favor..........


Can you imagine the mountains of these that get thrown away each day?

Some big company is getting mega-rich on these with no end use liability or
disposal problems.....

"That should make you think"

It's not the crappy gizmo or the factory that built it causing pollution.
It's the batteries it uses................



If I here one more A-hole claim he is an expert I will have to jump......

Expert on the economy- good job thanks alot

Expert on the enviroment- mother nature is the expert

Expert on space- last I heard all the experts said "we don't know"

Expert on animals- "see mother nature"

Expert on weather- "you guys are wrong so often, M Nature won't claim you"


Here is what I am an expert in.

I have perfected being an A-Hole and then some.
I have studied other A-Holes and have honed my skills over these many years.
Years of experimental study and testing have brought me to this.

"If I call you an A-Hole, you can take my word for it because I'm an expert"

Oil and the world

To all the powers that be......

Vaseline is petroleum gel

Drill baby drill...........

If you are going to rearend all of us, make sure you have the proper lube for the probe........



" We the Sheeple "
"Thank God for the Internet"
I am so sick of being lied to by everyone from the Vatican to the White house.......
Smart people sharing smart ideals will win the day....
Do yourself a favor that you will enjoy...
" Temper all that you know with the knowledge that you don't know anything "
Being a good person will serve you better...

Your new year.......

For your new year I am going to throw out a few things and I challenge anyone for any reason to respond.

- How did India get anything in space while I am still on hold with Verizon customer service?

- Do the people at GM and GMAC really think we are that stupid?

- If I have an erection that last more than 4 hours and I didn't take any drug
should I call a medic or Vegas?

- What is more depressing the anti depro drug ad or the side effects lecture at the end?

- How can you run a million drug ads on TV that make smoking look like a safer option?

- If Pa. was for sale on Ebay would you bid?

- Would you want the presidents job?

- If you had the chance to ask aliens a question would it be "Is there a God" or "Can you get those grass clippings"

- Would your ever put money in a 401k?
"A better question {In what book did you read "I should give you my money"}

- What drugs were you on when they told you, "If you give us your money we will hold on to it for you"

- If we stopped spending on military and started spending on people would the whole world be better????

Feel free to agree, bitch, let your eyes glaze over or whatever.

{I still and always will stand the faith}
"It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with you"