
Let me explain that last post...

I was talking with someone and he explained that sometimes when he is alone he gets overcome by all his inner fears. To him it is something like being frozen in a block of ice comprised of all his fears. {future, money, health}

I explained to him that fear is normal and is his worst Enemy. Fear is an emotional resonse to threats and danger. It is the most commonlly used weapon
on Earth. It is being used against us as we speak.

WAR- Do what we want or die

Religion- Do what we want or go to hell

Social Security- Vote for me or the other guy will take yours.

Port Auth.- Give us more money or walk in the snow

Fed Government- Give us all the money and power or you will be:
{Homeless, Global warmed, Broke, Starving, Everything Bad}

Money- Remember " Thou shalt not worship false gods "

And so on and so on. Some fears are real and should be heeded, but most are not. A minor concern can grow all by itself into a major fear. If you limit youself by letting fear run your life you will be lost.

Fear grows and spreads like wildfire. One person can spread it to thousands.
Remember it is illegal to yell fire in a theater because it causes a reaction to fear.
So next time you are afraid think it through. If you are cornered by a Lion be very afraid, but if you are just going to be a little late paying a bill don't sweat it.

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