
Darwin vs. DNA

Read the Newsweek story on MSN about Darwinism.......
At long last the truth "DNA is preprogramed to turn on or off certain traits"
Darwin was wrong, the answers are in intelligent design.........


Type: DNA program:.................................................................... Result:

Human- Brain/on, Fur/low, sex/on, feed/on, talk/on-.................... Human
Ape- Brain/low, fur/on, sex/on, feed/on, talk/off-......................... Ape
Fish- Brain/low, fur/off, sex/on, feed/on, talk/off-......................... Fish
Reptile- Brain/low, fur/off, sex/on, feed/on, talk/off-.................... Reptile
Politician- Brain/off, fur/low, sex/mix, feed/all, talk/all-............... Our world

Mother Nature only evolves things it needs in any creature to insure survival.

So if you go by that basic rule, Politicians although lower on the scale than reptiles are suited to current worldwide enviroments (LOL)

Note: These are some good vids on this subject at

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