
G-20 G21 whatever it takes......

The Prez meets the queen, what a joke.....

A: We threw them out of this country.......
{They are now getting even}

B: We jumped in when their little bitch Hitler
went bad seed on them...

The house of Windsor owns two thirds of the world.
Their power is vested in the world banks.
"Columbus was granted head of all the seas"
Who has that power

1776 until 2009 and Obama just handed the colonies
back to the queen.

Germany, France, Scotland, England, Italy, Russia and Polland
are all failed governments. So now according to the Prez you have
to pay.

The world banks need all your money and they need it now.......

That is the problem.....

What do they know that we don't ???????

For some reason they only seem to be worried about short
term fallout from what they are doing......

That should scare you more than anything.....

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