
BUY FORD..............

If you had to bet your money,,,

Would you bet on Henry Ford???

I'll dance with who brung me.....

Ford will be running the wreckage
of this country.....

I will remind the UAW....
You have been in bed with the government
for some time. One of you just opened a condom.
Ford took the high road..and left the room...

Here is another point {Res. Tip} to ponder....

It was called the "Soviet Union" the workers party.

"How did that work out for the workers ???

USW, UAW, UMW, EU, NAU.......

How is that working out?????

Union watching out for the workers {GOOD}
Corupt, greedy Union {BAD}
Let the people have their money and everyone
Take all their money and it is misery for everyone....

Buy a history book and a FORD.......

If you buy a new FORD, I will lend you a good

1 comment:

  1. When is the P.C correctness going to end with these scumbag's in D.C. terrorist are now "man caused disaster's"..!!legacy asset's there is no end.. I guess if you give a problem a happy sounding name then it makes it all better...
    That's like saying you did not have a flood at your place that was just a "high humidity event"..!!! Enough of these clowns already.!! time for the Obamination and the rest of the criminal's on Crapital hill to go..!!! and the American people will just call it "spring cleaning"..!!!



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