
Have you had enough yet. ???????????

The government just gave AIG 30 billion more
of your money.........
That makes the total 180 billion.......
What is AIG giving you? (the finger)

Two points are being ignored by the people.

With 180 billion you can buy 720,000
$250 thousand dollar homes.

They are using your money to prop up the
stock market. This strategy is designed to
keep you in while the get out as fast as they can.

You are being lied to on almost every level.

Here is simple proof.
"If you run AIG and you put your company
and your stock holders 180,000 million in the
hole. Should you be in jail ?

What happened to the money ????????????


  1. people just dont get it everytime the goverment give's out money the stock market drop's the stock market want's sound company's to in vest in notproped up Gov. puppet's make naked shorting of company's illegal and let the market stabilize on it's own..!!!!strong company's are what people invest in.. the Criminal's on Crapital Hill who cannot tie there own shoes should be leaving in handcuff's for the unConstitutional bull@#$% they are pulling on the American people..!!!! It's our money wake up people!!!

  2. You are correct. They are doing the opposite of what they should be doing to reach their stated goal.


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