
Ahh...It's Sunday (the day of rest)

Not for the government.......

They are doing us in over the weekends....

You wake up on Monday and the rules have

This is always how it has been done....

At night, in private and while you are not looking...


The public decided they had had enough losses and
pulled the plug.

It was a fire sale for the rich. they made billions.....

All you have to do is look it up...

It is the same plan. and it works on us every time...

This is how it works....

"They make sure you lose all your money. Then they
make you mad at some evil entity. The war starts and
you devote and sacrifice heart and soul. They offer you
shelter for your devotion. They use you to rebuild the
defeated bad guy.. And you go for it"

Rebuilt Europe {Germany}
Rebuilt Japan and Italy
Iraq {Who Knows}

We are the only people stupid enough not to plant a
flag on land we shed blood for...

After the cost of lives in Iraq and the billions of dollars
gas in the US should be about a penny a gallon.

After WWII "Why should Japan be any type of economic

Tell the queen to kiss my behind. Why do they not
praise the US flag "We saved them"

As hard as it is to grasp....

This has been a giant scam....

This is Old School, bow down to the lords of the

It is pure and simple SLAVERY

If you owe money they own you..........
"Like slaves in the south"

They absolutely hate Americans making
enough to get out of debt. If you don't
have big debt they can't get your pay....

The fear they have about giving you
stimulus money is that you will use it
to pay off bills. (Bush helped you)

Your credit card to them is like a rental
apartment without the plumbing problems..
Every month they get a rent check for
letting you live in their money......

God forbid you pay it off

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