
Obama's Private Army.....

All you little Obamanites get ready......
You are going to "Boot Camp"......

What do you think that proposal means??

Why does the Prez need a civilian army
that is as armed and funded as the regular
military?? (which he commands)

Since most of the people now in government
dodged the draft and protested the military.

Why do they want you to get drafted??

Will you have to go to jail if you are a
conscientious objector????

Do you really think all the gangs in LA, New York,
and Miami are going to line up in camps????

I'll tell you why....
Our military like all armies around the world
have plans in place if they have to overthrow the
government of their own country. Almost all
governmental take overs have been preformed
by that governments army.
Obama will not declare Marshall law. The people
presently in power despise the military and the services
know it. If Marshall law was declared it would move
the top Generals into a position to relieve the commanding
officer from his duties, confine him to quarters and take
control. Remember when you here that the military is
coming into the cities that they have bases around our
cities. Here in Pittsburgh there are several. Also keep this
in mind, almost every soldier has a mother, father, brother,
sister, best friend, Grand Mother, wife, child and favorite
pet, all living on the streets of America and their mission
is to protect those streets at all cost and against all enemies


  1. you sound upset comrade... I just wonder what the new flag will look like...

    " Like Lamb's to the slaughter"...!!

  2. On the flag will be
    One star
    One still
    LOL anti-potato juice legislation....


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