
Explain this using common sense......

That are claiming the ice caps are melting and
sea levels are rising. {and want you to pay}


That are claiming that there will will be world
wide drought. {and want you to pay}

Now here is a message from the good people and
this is free for all the world.....

The ice caps may melt they have before and they
will refreeze {nothing to do with you}
Worry about melting the ones you get at the movies.

People who have droughts most often move to places
that don't have water. Most droughts happen regularly
and in the same places. Why do you think most of the
world population lives near the water ???

(They will put out a drought alert in Pittsburgh "really")


  1. I once heard and repeted by the nut job's that the ice cap's melt the polar bear's cant hunt or swim so they drown... its obviouse they never saw a polar bear swimming at the zoo. "Like a fish" the unconvient truth.. the lunitic fringe are based on lie's and half truth's and will not let truth get in the way.....

  2. A polar bear is the equivlent of a Terminator.
    It can run 100 miles and swim 200 miles. Kill an Orca or a seal. It can hunt in low lands for fish or humans and can run the tundra for months on end. It can stay out on the ice for months and run faster than your dog chasing prey. At about 1500 lbs it can rip a small car in half just for your lunch bag.

    A Majestic creature and thank God their population has been increasing in the last 20 years.
    Get it............

  3. save a tree shoot a tree hugger..!!!


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