
The high point of civilizations....."Ya Morons"

Please feel free to copy this pic and show it to any
Global warming (we are causing it) Tard you want to.
Then email it to NOAA, NASA, MIT, JPL, ESA and
Cal Tech. Ask them if anything depicted here is untrue.
And when you get your (Errr,uhh,umm,well) reply
please send it to me. I could use the laugh.

You live in the best of times and they are selling a
BS story to get rich.

Unlike the great civilizations before us that did what
they could to warn whoever made it through.

"You only scribe things in stone to make them last
through almost any disaster. We write on paper and
on electromagnetic medium. This post will not survive
and Ice Age or a flood or a solar flare."


  1. the Global warmist's cant explain why 250.000 yrs. ago Earth was 20 degrees warmer and 89%higher CO.2 levels than today....

    That is considered the uncovienent truth....
    save a tree eat a beaver...

  2. this society is based on if you can scare them you can take there money.. Do you really think any of the Globalist's really care about this planet ...??? all they want is your moneies for there hidden agenda's.... the global warming moron's are nothing more than enviromental terroist's.... next time someone say's save the planet grab them up and plant a flower in there ass..!!!

  3. Informed people are less likely to be scared.
    I could count on one hand the people I know that could look at that drawing I made and say "Yes that meets the known facts"
    How are you going to tell them the government is
    not telling them the truth.
    It's like this,
    The guy in the little talky box said If I flush one more time the world will get sucked into a black hole. (Unless I give him my money then he will go save us from the evil black hole and we can all flush again.)
    Because the public is void of education it is easy for them to be void of explanation......


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