
2.2 Trillion dollar give away...I'm thinking fuel perks

For those who missed it.....

The chairman of the Fed was asked today in
in congressional hearings......

Will you tell the American public what institutions
got the 2.2 trillion dollars of tax payer money?

Answer: NO

There is a good commercial out that can describe
what is going on, so take this and think about what
your new Prez is doing.

"If you spent 1 million dollars a day since Jesus was born
you could not catch up with what the new Prez spent last

And they have no intention of telling you who got your money.

Again not funny if not true........


  1. that would buy alot of fishes and loaves....

    sayeth man 20:12

  2. Or two pots for every chicken.
    Sayeth T 10:35

  3. I thought it was pot for every chicken...

  4. Not if you are spending stimulus
    money. Then if you are a banker you
    get two pots, a chicken and a Lear jet.

    If you are in congress you get Two pots, two
    chickens an Lear jet and a home in the Bahamas.

    If you are a cabinet appointee you get all of the above tax free.

    If you are Joe the plumber you get the dirty end of the stick......

    Sayeth T 1:26


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