
Stem cells...............

This is why you should not rely
on network news for information....

President Bush, DID NOT
ban Embryo. Stem Cell research.
The ban was on.
Federal Embryo. Stem Cell research GRANTS

If Bayer wanted to to the research they where free to
using their money..

"I did not agree with this ban preferring better
regulation over the grants"

Those doing the research at the time had too many
grandiose promises and too little evidence. They lined
up at the Federal money feed wagon in droves with
every claim from curing jock itch to curing cancer.
All claims ended with this phrase " In ten to fifteen years"

It had to be stopped at that level...

Now those that continued the research sans Federal
funding have made great strides.

All that will occur now will be university labs will line up
for huge grants to get back up to speed.

The spending of this money is far better than giving it
to GM or the banks.

To most this science is like Voodoo but I assure you
it is not.

More good things than bad have come out of well
funded labs......

1 comment:

  1. It's the same Bill the Demacraps tried to pass under Bush... in the same Democraticly controlled
    congress....!!! The B.O backslide he should get an Olympic medal for in only 50 day's and counting.....and there is 3.68 yrs. left..!!!


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