
Ozone and the Boogie man.....

Read the Google news stories today
about long term exposure to Ozone.

Total scare the public BS.

The numbers are all fudged.

Ozone is Tri-Oxygen {O3}
And is toxic and corrosive

It protects this planet from the sun
and gets used to clean pool water.

They claim in an 18 year study that ozone
caused the deaths of about 9,000 people with
respitory problems. (500 per year)
They also claim that this study included
450.000 people.
They further claim that O3 levels in major
cities top 100 parts per million (ppm)

1 ppm of O3 causes headaches in humans.
More than 500 people a year die choking on
their gum...

I thought we are depleting the ozone layer
through our evil ways. But according to the
La. times and USA Today we have been doing
the right thing all along.

Who da thunk it???????

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