
You want to know what is going on in Mexico ????

Get real....

It is exactly what the teamsters have done to the
grocery stores before....

The fight is over distribution routes....

Do you really care if Columbian drug cartels
take over the Mexican government???

At first it was cheaper to just payoff the Mexican
government and now it's cheaper to take over.

Just business........

Hillary wants to tell you it is your fault and funnel
billions to the politicos in Mexico. They will AIG bonus
themselves right out of the country with your money.
See down there they just kill you.....

Let them shoot it out on their side of the fence.
The politicos have been getting money from both
sides for decades and now are rich, fat, lazy and
afraid "Don't blame them"

But now it's time to pay the piper, but not with our

If Hillary tells the cartels to keep it south of the fence
they will be more than happy to. Pull back US support
from the real criminals and you could clean up that
border in about 48 hours..

I like Mexico....
But tell me I'm wrong......

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