
Co2.....The fizzy stuff in your Diet coke

For years we could not figure out
how they would charge you to breath.

We always figured it would be taxed on
some sort of pollution policy.

We under estimated them.

They now are going to charge you to

Breath in all you want, breath out and pay.

Carbon credits......You must be kidding

The education system in this country is so
lacking that it is beyond repair.

"They are taxing a cow in a field for farting"

By this rule I should owe the government about
enough for them to close up that budget.

This would not be funny if it was not true.............


  1. toilets with flush meter's on them to calculate an individual's carbon foot print...

  2. They have it in Australia now.
    Flush / pay

  3. all the volcanoe's erupting around the world that's one big carbon foot print...what aragance as humans to think for one instance we can change anything on this planet that really matters...!!!! 250,000 yrs. carbonminoxide was at levels 68% higher than today's present level's !!! the preachers of Global warming forget to mention that.... everytime someone preaches obout Global warming I would like to exsercise my right to stomp my carbon foot print right in there ASS............


Keep it Clean