
The fishy smell of Madoff......

Isn't it funny that they spent more
time chasing OJ's Bronco then they
did herding this guy to jail ????

What happened to the money????

Who else is involved?????

These cases take years to unravel and
even if the guy pleads it wouldn't happen
this fast.

It's my opinion that it is a smoke screen
and this guy is the sacraficial lamb.
They want to keep the public looking
away from the issues.

Too much, Too fast, Too easy
Doesn't work that way.........


  1. No it's actually about time.... he should have never been put on house arrest at his penthouse... not for 60.billion he should have been in jail from day one and that was last year when he was arrested..... his family should be next... scumbag's like this should be under the jail not in it.... B.O and criminal's on crapital hill should be next....

  2. Just the forensic accounting would take years. So a first year law student could have gotten it dragged out for 2 years....

  3. They should round up all Wall St and DC and
    start marching these people into the sea.
    I'll live with the short term pollution.

  4. Stay off this one I personally Know of a church here tampa and about 20 others in buisness down here that are loseing everything because of this scumbage..!!!!! good call on wall st.-DC. I have a chum grinder....

  5. O.J killed two.... tragic as it is..... Maddoff has destroid thousand's of life's saving's mabye more there still counting.... the comparison not even the same Ball park.!!!!!!!! It's about time we start taking care of buisness...!!!from D.C on down.. This country was founded on the people's sweat & Blood...!!! not the elected puppet's.. and it's we as a peoples that will make this Nation great again.....!!!!!!!!


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