
The truth hurts.................

You will die
Your spirit will be free.......
Your fear of being dead
was sold to you, by religions.
I have only one question.
"Why would you give money to,
people that claim they don't
need or believe in money??"

"Who is worshiping false gods????"

We have nothing to fear but fear itself............

Ever here that???????????


I am going to tell you this one more time.

FEAR is the enemy...........

They use it against you!!!!!

"The sky is falling, The sky is falling"

"Sky tastes just like bald Eagle and polar bear"


Now for a good story.............

I was getting food at a local pizza shop tonight.....
On the wall was a picture of a young marine in his
dress uniform. A big blow up surrounded buy
his high school sports jersey. He looked like
he was a child playing dress up in his dad's old
war garb. (It set me back a little)

I was not going to ask, feeling it was best to pretend
I didn't see this mini shrine. "So I Asked"

"Who is the young marine in the photo?"

The answer I will never forget....

"Oh, he's not dead or anything. He used to work here
then joined the Marines. We love him, he is a really great
guy. He was just here a couple of minutes ago. He has to
go back and we thought we would let him know we

"All is not Lost"

Tea Anyone............

Just remember what the wars
got started over.......

1775- Revolutionary War. US Population 2.5 million

The English crown decided that the people of the colonies
where dirt and deserved no rights or money. Mixed loyalty
to the crown combined with smothering taxation erupted
into a revolt type war.

The people won {now we have America}

1861- Civil War. US Population 31.5 million

After about 80 years the new US royalty in the north decided
the people in the south where dirt and should have fewer rights
and be taxed more. Mixed loyalty to the Union combined with
tough economic times erupted into a revolt type war.
{The civil war was not about slavery}
African Population was 4.5 million with over half in the north.
The North and South struck a deal to stop the fighting.
Lincoln sold the war as the War on Slavery and in the end they
let him sell the deal the same way.

The people won {Slavery ended, Government put in check}

2009 ??????????? US population 307.5 million

All three branches of government think the people are dirt and
should have no rights and no money. States are drafting legislation
to withdraw from the union. Mixed loyalties combined with tough
economic pressure causing civil unrest.

Outcome unknown.

"Same old story all over again"


Your Gun Rights..........

Your 2nd Amendment rights are very clear.

It reads.....

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the
security of a free State, the right of the people
to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


It has been interpreted many was but the basics are clear
You already have the right to defend yourself but this is
a little different. The 2nd was meant for group defense of
the of the people by the people.
In Pa. we have an extension into state law.

Bear Arms
Likewise, Sayoko Blodgett-Ford notes non-military usage
of the phrase in the Pennsylvania ratifying convention:

"[T]he people have a right to bear arms for the defense of
themselves and their own state, or the United States, or the
purpose of killing game; and no law shall be passed for
disarming the people or any of them, unless for crimes committed...

My advice join a club or other group.

And by the way what rock is the NRA hiding under during
all this.....


If the Prez can start his own private army.........

Then I can assemble the UORM


I am now officially Commander T

All those wishing to join by contacting
this post are welcome.

I will work on our logo.
Submissions are welcome
I will set up a forum for regular meetings.


You will keep and bear arms.

You will swear to defend the USA and
the constitution against all enemies
foreign and domestic.

Lets take that hill


By now we should be smarter than crude oil.......

To supply the USA with 7 million barrels a day.
We have to remove from the earth almost
2 million cubic yards of this goo a day.
And that's just the US.

This planet is a ball spinning around at a little
over 1,000 miles per hour.

And we are pumping the ballast out and burning it.

There have been warnings about this practice from
oracles to ETs.

Smart enough to split the atom but not smart enough
to figure out this simple idea.

Diminishing the mass unevenly on your spinning ball
will make something bad happen...................

Chemtrails over Pittsburgh...........

Now tell me that looks like "No big Deal"

Could not possibly be commercial aircraft.
Their flight paths are not correct for passenger
carrying aircraft.

I don't know {Just doesn't look innocent to me}

Another thing they don't want to say in public.........

The government knows that their future tax
base will be rooted in online transactions.

The net has quickly replaced large portions
of the business world.

The brick and mortar stores have suffered
at the hands of Ebay.

Malls large and small are losing stores like

The banks have far more money tied up in
failing commercial property than they do in the few
failing home loans.

The government must take control of the internet
in order to secure its lust for money.

This has been going on for years now and very soon
you will be limited on the net. Like other countries the
net will be run by the government with only a few big
business players deciding what sites you can go to.

It involves way too much money for them to let you
be free to surf the net........

Do you think that the small percentage of home mortgages
in foreclosure should have been able to crash the entire
banking system of the USA?
I don't think so......
They just said that so they could blame us....
I don't even know anyone in foreclosure........

The banks have always run the world.
And now they want to take the last free zone on earth.
The world wide web...

You will know it is almost in full swing when you
Google something and start seeing "Site Restricted".....

Comet Lulin........

Get out there and look up {tilt your head back, eyes open}

Look high in the southern sky after 1:00 am

If you have binoculars you will be able to see it moving
against the background stars.

Best time Feb 24, 25, 26

For more info:

Crazy Religion Questions............

I am not religious, I am an energy believer...
I believe the energy of the universe is what you
humans call God.

But I have some questions about religion here on

Who would be dumb enough to murder Gods only
son ?

When Jesus said "Forgive them father etc..." What
if the answer was NO ?

Why is Buddha so fat and his followers so thin ?

How crazy is the multiple wife thing ?

If a church is the house of God, why does he have
one on every corner ?

If every God embodies peace and love, why do
the followers do the opposite ?

Didn't Jesus overturn the tables of the money lenders ?

Started way back then, did it ?

What makes you different ????????

No really,
What makes you different?

Don't you think it is unusual that we all seem to be
getting stuffed into some mold.

Our civilization is becoming less and less diverse
and anyone not complying is laughed at or worse.

"All the great ones did not fit the mold"


A Question ????????????

This was the question as posed....

How do you know that the government (Prez) isn't
going to help out the people?

Fair question...
I'll answer it with two questions with the same answer.....
I'll preface with this statement.
If you ask the general public what scares them about our
society they will almost all tell you crime......


Which candidates that ran in the last election series,
claimed that crime in our cities was important to them and
vowed to do something about it?

How much of the bailout money is being allocated to
making our cities safer?

They are completely ignoring a major issue in America
like it's no big deal. And the dopey public just lets it go

You will most likely have a brand new bridge to get
carjacked on........


Our World........

One thing I can tell you about the battles
we face in the arena we call our world........

Nobody gets out alive.........


This is what they know that you don't........

Step back and take a look..........

The world is changing and there is now
no stopping it.

For the last 5000 years it has been building
and everyone feels it.

The increases in violent crimes are the indicator.
Year after year after year it gets more out of control.
"The whole world is going crazy"
Ever think that?
This may be more true than you think.

The sense of right and wrong that each of us is
born with seems to be fading with each generation.

The governments of the world have been trying
to slow this process down to no avail.
Drugs designed to suppress this pandemic have
been pumped into the populous of every country.

Something is changing inside the people. Take a good
look at news from 10 years ago and look at news now.
What do you think it will look like in 2020?

The elephant in the living room is that we can not
build prisons fast enough. The penal system in 10 years
will be the most expensive part of governments budget.

Is evil waging war on good or did something fall out of
space. I don't know

It is happening and it is spreading like a virus. If it
continues in 20 years this planet will look like,
{and get this}
"One of those video games your kid is playing"


Just a thought.........

Chrysler is not a publicly owned company.
None of your 401 k money is invested in the company.
When the Pizza shop down the street closes
you feel bad while you look in a drawer for
another menu. {Feel the same way for them}

If we give them money they will fold the company
anyway. The employees will go on U/C and we will
pay anyway.

The difference is if we let them go down now
we save about 50%.

If the government cuts Chrysler a check then, the
government should cut a check to every Pizza shop
in America. We are sharing the wealth right.

Cutting a check to the pizza shops would save and
create more jobs than the car company would lose.

How sad

Just so you know...I calls em likes I seez em

FIRST: I Love GM cars..........

Every right wingnut out there is screaming.

"Don't give money to GM"
"Don't give money to GM"
"Don't give money to GM"
"Let them fail"

Then go to about 12 minutes an hour of
voice over GM ads.

Guys, cut me a break, your are guilty

If you are going to jump on the money...
I understand
GM should face charges of money Laundering.
Tell me I'm wrong....................
I'll Wait


Hey......I have questions.. Mr. Prez

Are all the networks donating ad spots to Gm and Chrysler?

Are the big three NBC, CBS and ABC getting their car ad
money indirectly from the public?

Are we going to cap network CEO's to 500k?

{Never ask a question you don't already have the answer to}

Ford "God Bless"

Can I get a bail out?
Because I could use it, really, send some troops with buckets.

{I had a little basement flooding problem}



Welcome to change..............

Here is the truth about what you where promised.
Because you are going to get it.
They did not lie.
They said.

You didn't bother to ask "What Change"
You didn't even bother to ask "Who they are"
And you will suffer for it

They are stealing from you the concept of the
"American Dream"

They are building a fence, not on the border but
between the rich and the poor.

They are looting the treasury to pay off their
debt while increasing yours.

They are throwing away your rights while
increasing their own.

They are doing this as fast as possible because
if you catch on to what they are doing........

You might want to Change............

"Your Vote"

Let them eat cheese..................

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah I try to stay a little right of
the middle. I'm old and the hearing in that left ear
is fading..{lol)

This is funny but true.......
(for the new tax payers)

Most people my age (I am the same age as the Prez)
will remember this with a laugh.
When we where your age the country was in financial
trouble and it was worse than it is now.
Wanna know what the government gave us then?
" Cheese"
Big blocks of salty American Cheese, like the ones they
slice from in a deli.
Everybody had cheese no job but cheese.
We made it through but no wonder we all have heart
problems. "maybe we can sue"

Now like then they are telling that this is the worst
ever and to help you out they are going to let you keep
$13.00 a week, of your money by the way.

Go buy $13.00 worth of cheese.....................
{I don't think you get the big block}

Some lady once said about her starving public
"Let them eat cake"
{It meant let them feed themselves}
They cut off her head for that.........

Funny how leaders seem to meet this same end...

If I here one more nut....GRRR.

If I here one more nut say
"Bush ordered 20,000 troops to deploy in the US"
{You do realize WE BASE OUR TROOPS HERE}

DO THE MATH !!!!!!!!!!!

How many people go to a Steeler home game ?
(around 70,000 + 10,000 outside)
How many of those are active or ex military ?
How many guns are in the parking lot?
How many cells phones to call in back up ?

Even a well planned attack with air support
would have trouble with just the parking lot
tailgaters. Could you imagine 20,000 heavily
armed combat troops vs. 50,000 armed and
heavily loaded Steeler fans.

This is just on a Sunday afternoon...........
So Please !


Adjust your speaker balance..........


5 Million for Market Square....Hmm...

Mr. Mayor,

I like you, but you have to be kidding.
The city is in dire straights!!!!!!!!!!!!
(But not really...Look at all the construction)

I don't have to explain, I'll just take about
twenty minutes of tonight's news stories.
Or go to Google News........
Here is the run down:
-Car jacker/ kidnapper hits school bus
-Non profits will pay less to city
-Mayor says 5 mil for market square
-Man beats school principal
You get the picture........

I have a better idea for the 5 million.
Use it to hire more cops and make those
two Public Works gems fix up Market

{For those who don't know, two city
employees got caught on city time
driving around trying to sell a stolen
"Clean up the yard then paint the house"


I wasn't going to...but I will anyway....

Happy Prez Day..........

I don't know the new guy....I have great respect for both Bush men
Loved Clinton and Reagan......But !!!!!!!!

How is this a Holiday????????????

"All these guys get one day and it's the inauguration {Party}
after that it's grind, grind, grind. Then at the end of a term or
two they get run out of DC on a rail.

"Must be the greeting card lobby"

Fairness Doctrine? " Get a better Name "

They dropped the ball on talking points.......

Call it the " Are we sure we want to do this Doctrine ?"

Picture this on the evening news.

Couric and Dennis Miller {equal views right}
{would boost ratings and make the show better}

Rush on CNN and Bill O on every other station.
{This would just be good TV}

These media outlets are so entwined in radio, TV and
internet that the right would almost be in a better

So fear not you right wing nuts that are clinging to your
guns, bibles and AM radios.

By the time the court challenges are over on conservative
radio vs. the fairness doctrine it'll be 2020.
{The right has the money for it}

I will say to both sides "Stop the Blah, blah, blah"

If you guys are going to play Rock em - Sock em Robots
on all medias " I'll hav ta git a dagital thing- a -mabob"

To the Police............

From all of us to all of you...........

" Thank You"

SWAT had to take another life in this area....
I'm sure it is the worst part of the task.......

2 + 2 = Uhh........Not enough

" What you are seeing now socially, economically and
politically is the result of a failed education system"

I wish I could remember who said this..........

Welcome to Rome Lord Speaker of the House.......

US Satellite.............

Wire Serv.

US and Soviet Satellites collided spreading
debris into orbit that will not return to Earth
for 10,000 years.

One source stated that " It looks like a trillion
US taxpayer Dollars just floating round and round"

{Transportation Jag Tonight}

" Ice Ahead Captain "

Didn't the captain of the Titanic igonore all the
warning signs and order the crew to speed up the

That ship of state didn't have enough lifeboats
on it for everyone either. {sound familiar }


The stimulus train has left the station.........

It's chugging across the bridge to nowhere
with all our money and jobs on it.

I Love the CBS Sunday Morning Show.........

BUT: They had me in a snit today.

{First Story} Had to be a joke.
"Ex-CIA spy says"
IRAN -We Should Feel the Love"

You gotta be kidding
Iran wants Americans and Jews DEAD
They don't even bother to lie about it.

{Second Story} Should have been a joke.
Darwin vs. Intelligent Design.
Some woman from the Federal Government.
Said "
If you believe in ID you are closing you mind"
" If you don't think the Darwin had all the answers to
the universe then you are stupid"
This is what they think you are "Stupid enough to
buy that crap story.
It appeared to me that Darwinism had not been
kind to her.
The fact dear lady is that Darwin theory eliminates
Intelligent Design as possible but the reverse does
I hope that thought opens your mind because somewhere
in the mixing of both is most likely the truth.

{Ha...How do you like me now?}

The Kill Old People Act of 2009

Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Sunday 2-15-2009

Specter didn't know about the new Kill Granny part
of the Bill he just voted on.

It goes like this (roughly)

" A new Federal Health office will be established to
monitor the cost of your care in respect to how long
you will live."

{Break your hip at age 78 NO replacement for you}

Under the new Stimulate the Bailout package bill:

Mr. Specter would not have been able to get the
treatment for cancer that saved his life !!!!!!!!!

I guess its hard to read something when the elderly
are chasing you with pitchforks !!!
He could trip, fall and break a hip {LOL}


How is this News ??????????

Arnold, Do a Terminator thing on Hollywood
elite's bank accounts.

Why not drive the Gov. Mobile through the
building and take all the money.

Very few out here in the sane world care.

The people of Ca. are generally in pretty good
shape in the money department.

It is the Government of Ca. that is going broke
and you can't figure out why.
What a shame !!!!!!!!!!!!!! {let me help}



Up the property taxes in Beverley Hills. {Problem Solved}

A word of caution. "If you do this don't cross the street
in front of the Babs mobile"

Go into the Light !!!!!!!!!

Isn't that what we tell bugs in our
back yards?

"Go into the light" {ZAP}


Smart footwear......

My buddy in Florida thinks we should all get
sensible shoes for the soup lines.

Makes sense

"Shoes" don't let them know you have Shoes !!!!!

Welcome to the new world.

Wanna here something funny.....

I just drove my dump truck to the store.
It turns left just fine.
but almost refuses to turn right.
True story


Everything you cherish
Has been stolen ..............

There is no end to it now.......

America had definition and pride of purpose.
They took more than the money....

Look outside "How do you like it now?"

I'm in one of those moods.......

I hope Specter gets stuck in an elevator
with Barney Frank.........

You gotta love this.....

They are running a Valentines Day special
here in Pittsburgh.

Buy a Glock and get a free box of Truffles.

If I buy an ICBM can I get a Pan Pizza?

"Any married man knows not to buy the wife
a gun" What are they thinking?

Try this as it is timeless and fitting........

"Nero fiddled while Rome burned"

I don't think it worked out good for him either............

Food for thought..............

If you thought it would help save
America would you send in $ 100?
"I would"

They didn't ask you to do that, they
are taking control of all the money.

And are setting up a system to share all
future wealth with the chosen few.

Let me put it this way.

"Your 2011 xmas with the grandchildren
is not in their plan"

Wait until that gushing idiot that works at
Micky Ds gets a paycheck with 90% withholding.

I would love to here from that guy
in five years....

Why read it ????????

It will have so much crap in it
why hurt your eyes.

Any member that votes on this bill
without reading it.

Should leave the floor in handcuffs.

My advice would be "Know whats in it"
This one will most likely come back to
bite you.

Get this one thing straight.

"It is not Government money"
They don't have any
They are broke and like junkies they are
going to rob your kids piggy bank.

They can print and mint all they want.

So why do they have to ask you.

Because they are BROKE.

You aint seen nothin yet...........

The new administration has not been in office
a month.

I would assume that by the end of the day
789 billion dollars will be flushed.

Friday the 13th how fitting

That is not what you need to worry about.

You need to worry that these people have
47 months to go.

They will spend like crazy for 6 months
because they can still blame G. Bush

About 18 months in they will yank another

At the 24 month mark it will be time to work
on a second term election.

This period will be love fest because they need
you to vote for them.

They all do it so I am not blaming our new Prez.

Its not the President that should worry you, he is just
the face. Congress is the dark force of evil and they have
been lurking under their low approval rating just waiting
to pounce. They couldn't contain themselves when Bush
was leaving the White House. This group has been bolstering
its power for some time now and you are about to get the dirty
end of the stick in your eye. There is no way to stop them
they are entrenched in an us against them end game.

The minute the Prez said I DO they said yes we will.

Here is the upside for the great unwashed masses {us}

No political entity or government on earth has ever been
able to make such a system work for very long. Almost every
time is has ended poorly for the politicians.

Haste Makes Waste........

Ever here that......

If you don't get to rob Fort Knox until

What's the big deal?

No you have to ram this one in before
anyone catches on.

Let me unhelp.

789,000,000,000 Dollars
92,000,000 miles to the sun


Just so it makes sense.............

Some idiot got his sisters panties
twisted in his pubes....

He decided that my blog was the
one thing wrong with his life....

I could spend all week messing with
this shim.

But I'm a little busy

Every woman.............

Every woman that ever graced my space............

"A+.perfect,Best,Super,God's Gift"

I really think that about you!!!!!!

Don't like the Mom jokes???

You are breaking my heart.....

I loved your Mom.......

over and over

I want DNA....

Tell me Specter is an earthling.

The Colbert report took on Glen Beck
"Good for them"
"I knew I loved that show for a reason"

If you want good advice.........

Always ask old people.

The old people have already been where you are.
You didn't invent a new sexual position.
I still like your mom !!!!
{aah Drive in movies}

That old lady with the cookies...
Knows more about were to put your money
than you do.

(Things I can prove for you lame ................)

I live in a marina........

Here in the north I have pretty much seen it all.

The only thing I can not get used to is the wind.
Recorded wind speed at 6am was 77mph

Rain, flood, electrical storm, ice, snow, fire or humans
Nothing does more damage than wind.

The Claim............

Two satellites collide in space.

Who is going to write the police report?

The little gecko will cover the damage and ask for
bailout money.

"The cost of the damage has to be trillions of
tax payer $$$s"

The new Veep said Pa will have all our bridges
fixed in 18 months.

"This guy is just nuts enough for the job."

It will take Penndot 18 months to put out the
35 years and counting on the Parkway West

Don't tell me it was a Penndot Satellite !!!


And I can easily prove it.......

Every great civilization that ever lived on this rock
knew this.

Mayan, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian.

It has been written in the bible, etched in stone
and painted on cave walls.

Only in our time we decided that we know better.

Here is a tid bit for you!!!

"2000 years is the expiration date on any civilization"

It's 2009

To deny this you would have to throw out the
entire history of the planet.......


The thing that should matter to us........

Now the good news...........

Solar Flare
Class B1
Observed Feb. 10, 2009

don't know what this means

Please go to

The sun has been at solar minimum for some time. It will increase to solar max.
in its usual 11 year cycle.

Let me put it this way. Remember when you were a kid.

Snow up to your butt, and then 100 in the summer.
Bad winter, good winter, hot summer, rainy summer

Get ready for some global warming, but it has nothing to do with us

Our sun will move across the galactic plane like it has a million
times before. Every 26,000 years it happens, I'll post a pic but
remember 10,000 years ago the Ice age ended and it is only 2009
on the Christian date book.

"You live in a wondrous time"

You will not be told this by 60 Minutes

Al Gore is doing us a solid in the NE,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Global warm me baby.................
Upper Ohio River 8:00 am Feb 11,2009

Katie what happened ??????

Is it me or did the world slip a little when
Katie Couric stopped being cute.

Could she possibly be a Disney animation?

I watched 60 Minutes on Sunday sticking my
finger down my throat.

It was the worst presentation of a "make you feel good"
story I ever heard

The production people must have thrown a mass

This is what she should have said in her own interview.
the..........shark ?

Stimulated Package ????????

I watch the square, shinny, talky thing with little people in it
Don't they tell you to call a doctor if your package is stimulated
more than four hours ?

Moon me baby.........

I took that shot.
If you look at it closely you can see trees at the bottom.
The view is directly South which from my perspective put the
moon directly over the city.
See the small dot at the 5 o'clock position
{That shouldn't be there}

That is either a self illuminated object or an orb
with enough mass to be reflecting sun light.

At first I thought it was the camera but it was in all
eight shots I took.

I am sure the math would not be hard to figure out
as you have the moon in the foreground (known size and

So whatever it is "Its big and close"

"We come in peace take us to your bailout money"


Moon over Pittsburgh 11:11 pm 2-09-09

Just when you say something nice!!!!!!!!

They make you want to take it back!!!!!

Change the Street lights?
Are you stupid or do you think I am?

Which makes more sense for the taxpayer?

Which makes more sense for your campaign funds?

A}- Change all the street lights in the city {at enormous cost}
to a system that keeps the the electric company
happy and will be outdated in five years.

{ or }

B}- Implement a change over slowly to a solar type system
to allow development of better technology to keep
the cost down and make system less expensive to

Which one do you think we will get?

{You #&*%^@#$%$##%*&s}
Relax I said it in private


No Star Wars..........

Dear Mr. Mayor,
I have been very pleased with your leadership thus far.
The political rivers run deep here (no pun) and at your age a
pimple now and then is to be expected. The machine in this city
has always been hard metal, beer and old school. You have proven
to be an asset to the transition from steel town to modern city.
{It is working}
I ask, that as you move ahead, look back and haul some of
the really good ones up with you.
Thank You,

Smoothing the waters (Not Likely)...........

The new Prez got me!!!!!!! (yeah right)
I heard most of the speech.......
If he was serious, he is in trouble {as are we}

"He had the demeanor of a man that bit off more than he
can chew combined with a side of Washington is more nuts
and less fiber."

If the speech was scripted we are all doomed as you will
never get anything but stage play drama from the leader.

If it was for real, he is ill informed and might just be
perfect for this job.

If he throws Specter out of Marine One over the
Ches. Bay. I will not only buy him a beer, I will carry
his battle flag up whatever hill he wants to fight on......

Here is an idea with a chance of working..........

Take the $ 780 billion

Bet every sports event on the planet.
Buy every Lotto ticket
Buy Vegas, Atlantic City, Atlantis and Sun City
Play every number with every bookie on earth
Send congress out to every poker, craps game and
cock fight they can get money on.
Send house aides to every bar with video poker.

This is just as good a plan as the one they will
vote on.

"They want you to go "All In" but would prefer
to make it look like you wanted to. If they cannot
get you to they will force you to"


Let me put this another way...........

The government is again going to
remortgage you.
{Bush got the first handout money from China}

They will secure this new loan with
you, your land and house, your productivity,
{Pay Check} and your kids productivity.

{All of America}

You will not get any of the money but you will
get the payment.

{Like cosigning on a relatives car loan}

In a few hours the new Prez is going to the
closing on this mortgage.
If he can get a fixed interest rate of say 7 %
every man, woman and child in this country
will have to pay about $ 35 an month for 30

The problem is that most people will not
be required to pay their $35. So the rest of
us will have to pay their share. Foreclosure
will be looming on every News report.
{America will be on Ebay}

" Didn't they tell us the whole problem was
caused by bad mortgages and toxic assets?"

The Prez should do one of those reverse
mortgage infomercials we see on TV every
five minutes. He could have the government
start paying all of us back for what we already
paid for and they wasted. If we are going to
cosign this loan he should share the wealth.


The Devil is in the Detail...............

I have never seen a group of people in
Washington so willing to hide the truth
from the people.

Who is going to be the real voice of the people?

$ 670,000,000,000 Useless Handout (Bush)
$ 780,000,000,000 New useless Handout

$ 1,450,000,000,000 Total (So Far)

Simple math (easier than doing taxes)

Divide the total by the Population.
After all it is our money, not theirs

The answer is: $ 4769.74 per person (USA)

Here is the problem they already spent the
money you gave them. So now we have to
borrow it to give to them.

So Bush gave out $600 checks (whoopee)
Each of us is still in the hole $ 4169.74


This will tell the story.........

Our new Prez should hire that pilot that landed in the Hudson.

It takes so much effort to manage a crippled aircraft that
movies are made out of it.

Just the training for it would curl your hair. Power on stalls,
engine out landings, cockpit management, check lists are just
the easy part.

" You have to point the plane at the ground to keep it flying
and it takes balls of steel to do it {I know}"

This is a perfect analogy, the guy at the controls has to be in

Lesson 1- FLY the PLANE, FLY the PLANE, FLY the PLANE
No matter what else happens FLY the PLANE

If our new Prez has to jettison some dead weight to get this baby
back on the ground safely, that is well within Federal Law.

Cockpit management (Oval Office) in an emergency is an
unbelievable mix of input and action. Every second counts
and there are no Mulligans. The laws of psychics cannot
be denied "What goes up must come down"

So all I can offer is this advice (corny but true)

There are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old bold pilots

Note: Most pilots get killed making a simple go or don't
go type decision. Contrary to popular opinion, most
pilots are not barn storming aces. What gets pilots
and passengers killed are things like, " I think I figured
out the fuel right" or "That cloud cover doesn't look
like ice to me"

The new powers are heading into a spin stall and the correction
is simple but hard to accept.
{Bad angle of attack}
Do nothing, take your hands and feet off the controls
no input from you will speed up the recovery
{Every second counts}.

If you don't believe me, ask the guy that landed in the Hudson.

Don't you feel the love yet?

This is how much they detest the public

The speaker of the house just tried to tell
you that 500 million people a month will
lose their jobs.

In her mind all 304 million of us will be
jobless by Feb. 23

Not one dime of the stimulus money goes
to you but fear not they will save the day.

If you go to the bottom of this page it reads:

"Crazy is a state of mind so don't let Crazy mind the state"

Here is an old adage:

"You will only rise to the level of your own incompetence "

Nancy, you have arrived !!!!!!!!!

Lets get up to speed.........

Most people don't have the slightest clue
what rules the government has to play by.

"When you plead the Fifth do you know what that means? "

It's the Bill of Rights that set up the rules.
{They are under attack}

The first ten are most important and here is the list:
{I'll convert it to football rules}

First- Freedom of Speech and religion
You can yell anything you want at a referee and
have an NFL shrine in your house.

Second- Keep and bear arms
You can roll your civil war cannon to your tailgate party
But if you fire it, you will need the rest of these notes.

Third- Quartering Troops
Cleveland Fans are not allowed in Pittsburgh Bars

Fourth- Search and seizure
The police cannot go into your Steeler-Mobile or
Big Ben cooler
unless you fire the cannon

Fifth-Double Jep., Self Incrim.
In a facemask or roughing call you can point
at the other guy to cause a diversion
Also they cannot throw a flag on you twice
for stomping a sissy quarterback

Sixth-Speedy trial
Challenges cannot take too long, one or
two commercials maximum.

Seventh- Right to a jury
That is why there are challenges.

Eighth- Unusual Punishment
If you kill a quarter back (in a game)
or step on his shoe lace. the penalty
is the same

Ninth- Congress cannot extend its powers.
The NFL can't tell Pittsburgh to let
Cleveland fans into their bars.

Tenth- Power is shared
If the fans don't like the encroachment rules
they can ask the NFL to change it.
If enough fans say change it the NFL
has to.

So ends today's lesson on the importance of government.

Your gonna get capped !!!!!!!!!!

I don't think cap means ceiling in Chicago!

The prez is capping the banks.
{How true}

Dear Mr. President,
You just told the people that you need to keep
the economy going "#$&@ OFF". This lame
political double speak is not going to help anyone.
They already took the money and as per your wishes
shared the wealth.
(With each other)
Please be advised that government knows
nothing about how money works. These CEOs are
laughing at you. They will simply work around your
so called cap. Please ask a lobbyist for the drug
companies how to get around such things. If you
make it harder and more expensive for big money
to go to big money the little people pay the bill.
Answer this for me. Does this limit help the
people or did you do it because if felt right? If you
are going to lead by popularity poll numbers you are
going to fail.
Also, be careful in DC when you tell someone
you are going to cap them as this statement like
your new policy may have an unintended result.

Dear Mr. Retiree, two job holdin, Home Depo greeter,
The Prez is gonna bust a cap in your %#@.

In 2012 we will see,
"Rainman For President"


Tales From the Golden Triangle.......

I was having a meal with friends, looking out from
an eatery on the sacred "Mount"
{Expensive but Fantastic}

This is what was going through my head along with the swordfish.
Why would you waste the largest asset the city has?

Note: When you look down from above all the waterfront area is
covered with road. They made the roads run between the
city and the rivers.

Note: This is the largest inland port in America

{Question} Why cover the most valuable property with roadway?

Note: Only people that "Have to" go into the city {Downtown}

It was a sad thought, I was thinking they "paved paradise and put
up a parking lot"


TAXES.... They don't pay no stinkin Taxes !!!!!!!

OK ENOUGH, all of you guys on both sides.
Lets see those 1040s

This has become a joke.

If the party in charge is tax exempt ?
Where can I sign up?

"What happened to ignorance is no excuse of the Law?"

I have to know because I don't fear for
us, I fear for you.................


Sad but True
facts in the
Ohio River Triangle
{Money, Businesses and Population seem to disappear}

F:) For what it cost per rider to be transported via
Port Auth. bus, it would be more cost effective
to rent the rider a car from

Government and Monster Garage !!!!

Picture our government like a
1973 Cadillac sedan that is beat
up but still runs good.
It gets you where you have to go
but it is not pretty.

So the President drives it over to
Monster Garage (Congress) for a

The team is eager to get to work so
they get to chopping and welding.

Here is the list of new items:
Caddy / Government

Motor / Fed owned banks
Exhaust / Carbon Tax
Stereo / NBC, CNN
Seats / New Car Tsar
Paint / "Change"
{You get the idea}

They start the project and find out that there
are problems with the car. They fuss and
fight in the shop. The project drags on for years
while you have to walk to work.

At long last and Trillions of your dollars later,
you get your car back. It's shinny and it sounds
good but its still a 1973 Cadillac

Meanwhile back at the shop they are congratulating
each other while they get their new monster tool boxes.
They will one by one tell of how all these new tools
will help them do a better job on the next project
since the last one was so bad.

Oh, and when the Caddy breaks down you will
not be able to take it to another garage for service.
All the custom work makes sure you have to bring it
back to them. And when you do you will be told none
of those people still work here but if you have another
trillion they will get started on a remake right away.

I say we all need Mad Max type SUVs {LOL}