
This will tell the story.........

Our new Prez should hire that pilot that landed in the Hudson.

It takes so much effort to manage a crippled aircraft that
movies are made out of it.

Just the training for it would curl your hair. Power on stalls,
engine out landings, cockpit management, check lists are just
the easy part.

" You have to point the plane at the ground to keep it flying
and it takes balls of steel to do it {I know}"

This is a perfect analogy, the guy at the controls has to be in

Lesson 1- FLY the PLANE, FLY the PLANE, FLY the PLANE
No matter what else happens FLY the PLANE

If our new Prez has to jettison some dead weight to get this baby
back on the ground safely, that is well within Federal Law.

Cockpit management (Oval Office) in an emergency is an
unbelievable mix of input and action. Every second counts
and there are no Mulligans. The laws of psychics cannot
be denied "What goes up must come down"

So all I can offer is this advice (corny but true)

There are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old bold pilots

Note: Most pilots get killed making a simple go or don't
go type decision. Contrary to popular opinion, most
pilots are not barn storming aces. What gets pilots
and passengers killed are things like, " I think I figured
out the fuel right" or "That cloud cover doesn't look
like ice to me"

The new powers are heading into a spin stall and the correction
is simple but hard to accept.
{Bad angle of attack}
Do nothing, take your hands and feet off the controls
no input from you will speed up the recovery
{Every second counts}.

If you don't believe me, ask the guy that landed in the Hudson.

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