
You aint seen nothin yet...........

The new administration has not been in office
a month.

I would assume that by the end of the day
789 billion dollars will be flushed.

Friday the 13th how fitting

That is not what you need to worry about.

You need to worry that these people have
47 months to go.

They will spend like crazy for 6 months
because they can still blame G. Bush

About 18 months in they will yank another

At the 24 month mark it will be time to work
on a second term election.

This period will be love fest because they need
you to vote for them.

They all do it so I am not blaming our new Prez.

Its not the President that should worry you, he is just
the face. Congress is the dark force of evil and they have
been lurking under their low approval rating just waiting
to pounce. They couldn't contain themselves when Bush
was leaving the White House. This group has been bolstering
its power for some time now and you are about to get the dirty
end of the stick in your eye. There is no way to stop them
they are entrenched in an us against them end game.

The minute the Prez said I DO they said yes we will.

Here is the upside for the great unwashed masses {us}

No political entity or government on earth has ever been
able to make such a system work for very long. Almost every
time is has ended poorly for the politicians.

1 comment:

  1. its a thiefdom on crapital hill!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they can't steel the money fast enough and the walking talking rectums just keep chewing on thier crayons womdering when thier stimulator package will be delivered!!!!!!!!!!


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