
5 Million for Market Square....Hmm...

Mr. Mayor,

I like you, but you have to be kidding.
The city is in dire straights!!!!!!!!!!!!
(But not really...Look at all the construction)

I don't have to explain, I'll just take about
twenty minutes of tonight's news stories.
Or go to Google News........
Here is the run down:
-Car jacker/ kidnapper hits school bus
-Non profits will pay less to city
-Mayor says 5 mil for market square
-Man beats school principal
You get the picture........

I have a better idea for the 5 million.
Use it to hire more cops and make those
two Public Works gems fix up Market

{For those who don't know, two city
employees got caught on city time
driving around trying to sell a stolen
"Clean up the yard then paint the house"

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