
Let them eat cheese..................

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah I try to stay a little right of
the middle. I'm old and the hearing in that left ear
is fading..{lol)

This is funny but true.......
(for the new tax payers)

Most people my age (I am the same age as the Prez)
will remember this with a laugh.
When we where your age the country was in financial
trouble and it was worse than it is now.
Wanna know what the government gave us then?
" Cheese"
Big blocks of salty American Cheese, like the ones they
slice from in a deli.
Everybody had cheese no job but cheese.
We made it through but no wonder we all have heart
problems. "maybe we can sue"

Now like then they are telling that this is the worst
ever and to help you out they are going to let you keep
$13.00 a week, of your money by the way.

Go buy $13.00 worth of cheese.....................
{I don't think you get the big block}

Some lady once said about her starving public
"Let them eat cake"
{It meant let them feed themselves}
They cut off her head for that.........

Funny how leaders seem to meet this same end...


  1. Yea......... but that was some good cheeze!!!!
    now with the extra money each week I can buy a couple of Big Mac's!!! not bad for a trllion dollar's I feel the B.O love afaire is about to implode.and they all will turn on him like rat's abandoning ship !!!

  2. More like 300 million rats chasing that government
    cheese. {lol}


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