
Just a thought.........

Chrysler is not a publicly owned company.
None of your 401 k money is invested in the company.
When the Pizza shop down the street closes
you feel bad while you look in a drawer for
another menu. {Feel the same way for them}

If we give them money they will fold the company
anyway. The employees will go on U/C and we will
pay anyway.

The difference is if we let them go down now
we save about 50%.

If the government cuts Chrysler a check then, the
government should cut a check to every Pizza shop
in America. We are sharing the wealth right.

Cutting a check to the pizza shops would save and
create more jobs than the car company would lose.

How sad


  1. the big three had there chance the people have spoken your vehicle's SUCK !!!! you were told years ago but it fell on def ear's...goodbye already and to the rest of the crayon chewers out there that say buy American well toyota- subaru- sony mitsubishi all american company's and made here right in your own back yard's time to let major corperate spending and basic greed at the expense of the tax payer "DIE...DIE...DIE..already..!!

  2. the big three have been out sourcing there part's for there car's for year's........ so let's out source them these company's have grown fat and lazy for to long..!!! off john Q puplic..time to let them be out sourced.!!Time for these clown's to go....


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