
Now for a good story.............

I was getting food at a local pizza shop tonight.....
On the wall was a picture of a young marine in his
dress uniform. A big blow up surrounded buy
his high school sports jersey. He looked like
he was a child playing dress up in his dad's old
war garb. (It set me back a little)

I was not going to ask, feeling it was best to pretend
I didn't see this mini shrine. "So I Asked"

"Who is the young marine in the photo?"

The answer I will never forget....

"Oh, he's not dead or anything. He used to work here
then joined the Marines. We love him, he is a really great
guy. He was just here a couple of minutes ago. He has to
go back and we thought we would let him know we

"All is not Lost"

1 comment:

  1. Today's youth who volanteer for active duty today are in my opinion a trully great generation of young men and woman..!!!! and as for the traiterist act's of the Criminals on Crapital Hill who try to under mine our military let them be judged- sentenced and EXCUTED retro active 30yrs. and only then can we trully Honor our troops..!!!!!


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