
Lets get up to speed.........

Most people don't have the slightest clue
what rules the government has to play by.

"When you plead the Fifth do you know what that means? "

It's the Bill of Rights that set up the rules.
{They are under attack}

The first ten are most important and here is the list:
{I'll convert it to football rules}

First- Freedom of Speech and religion
You can yell anything you want at a referee and
have an NFL shrine in your house.

Second- Keep and bear arms
You can roll your civil war cannon to your tailgate party
But if you fire it, you will need the rest of these notes.

Third- Quartering Troops
Cleveland Fans are not allowed in Pittsburgh Bars

Fourth- Search and seizure
The police cannot go into your Steeler-Mobile or
Big Ben cooler
unless you fire the cannon

Fifth-Double Jep., Self Incrim.
In a facemask or roughing call you can point
at the other guy to cause a diversion
Also they cannot throw a flag on you twice
for stomping a sissy quarterback

Sixth-Speedy trial
Challenges cannot take too long, one or
two commercials maximum.

Seventh- Right to a jury
That is why there are challenges.

Eighth- Unusual Punishment
If you kill a quarter back (in a game)
or step on his shoe lace. the penalty
is the same

Ninth- Congress cannot extend its powers.
The NFL can't tell Pittsburgh to let
Cleveland fans into their bars.

Tenth- Power is shared
If the fans don't like the encroachment rules
they can ask the NFL to change it.
If enough fans say change it the NFL
has to.

So ends today's lesson on the importance of government.

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