
The taxing.....

For thousands of years the government has extracted money from the people.....
Mostly it was for war (homeland security)
Mostly it was used for other things (limos Etc...)
Let me tell you a story that you have heard over and over
"Our plow trucks are old, our roads suck (it's the weather) we don't have salt. traffic is bad, the warf flooded, the tunnel is clogged..
You sit there every day spending your money and let them tell you it's because you don't pay enough.....
Good luck with that

Are you having fun yet??????

The pres.. Joke
Congress.. Joke
NASA.. Joke
Banks.. Joke
Law.. Joke
News.. Joke
You got thrown under the bus........
Like most of us have told you, it is too late now..
So have fun.
You have to deal with it now (good luck)


Stop!!! watching catoons


Drill Baby Drill

They do it....
They make billions doing it.....
They do it right in front of you and laugh.....
They do it right in downtown LA.....
You get to pay for it....

Go here:

Wake up people......


Ask this question ????????

Why is every government on earth launching everything they have into space
during a worldwide economic disaster and a pandemic?

-Google "NASA launches 2009"
(they launch tons of stuff besides the shuttle)

-China, Russia, India, USA, and France

-Governments, civilian, military and even the Vatican are all looking up.



How is Obamastan?????

How is Obamastan working out for you?

You will get fined for not having health care...

It does not matter if you have a job or not....


You will get it anyway.

The job of the present government is to reduce your wealth.
In turn they want to make it their wealth...
{Your three crappy TVs need to be one big screen for them}
Crime pays for them so they will make everything against
the law....
Walk (pay)
Burp (pay)
have an old car (pay)
get old (pay)
Kill everyone in a bad crack deal (get a metal)
Kill enough people get diner in Washington

That is as true as can be (but nobody cares)

BYE, BYE.........

Enjoy the New world order.

You didn't care while they took from you.

They took your truck and you are asking for the
glove box door back...

You idiots...........

Sorry......Been workin

It's a busy summer........

So...How is that Obama thing working out?

I will give you two slivers of advise because time
is short.....

1-Get yourself a B.O.B. {Bug Out Bag}
If you have to hit the ground running make sure you
have what you need {matches, bleach, Flashlight, ammo)
Forget everything else....
Make a plan for where you will bug out to and leave no
trace behind leading to your location.
(Get away from population centers)

2-In my opinion don't be anywhere near Pittsburgh during
the G-20. "I have a bad feeling"
At best traffic and the city will be a mess.
I just don't like the vibe....
Why here and why now?

I will try to write more but please wake up. Buy extra food,
the worst that can happen is you have some extra cans of tuna.
Buy a solar flashlight and radio...
Don't go crazy just make yourself and your loved ones a
"What if plan"
Having a good knife and a multi tool never hurt anyone.
Ever see a swiss army knife?
What do you think they made them for?

Good Luck


If you care about global warming....

Why are you on your computer??

If millions of people got off the net.

What would be the carbon reduction??

Stop gaming.



"Please save the Polar Bears"

You are texting and killing thousands of baby seals...

When Inuit people run into hard times they hunt seals.

Skins, meat and oil...

Stop texting or get rid of the Inuit People...

How could you hate like that????

Do you hate baby seals????

Please educate yourself. It helps the rest of us....

"Please help to ban texting so we can save the Planet Earth"

Dumbed down.......

It has now become far more than a joke.....

Our world today......

They are sure you do not cherish the world..
You are killing the polar bear and the African

Get this in your head "THEY" are telling "YOU"
it's your fault.

"THEY" are telling "YOU" that if you give "THEM"
all your "MONEY" everything will be fine...

"YOU" are "IDIOTS"

You are being sold into slavery thinking big corp.
plastic is killng the planet.

"Keep that water bottle nearby!!!"

You are being lied to.........

Please wake up.............


Aihiest...You gotta be kidding....

I do not know how to put in words..

I will however, use the words of others...

"There are no ahiest in a fox hole"
"Any sex other than Male- female doggy style
is devient"
"Why ask God for help if you are sure he does
not exist?"
"Why do you need money?????

Tell the Feds you need to hit the lottery and then
go to Vegas and roll the dice.

In the end let them tell you there is no God...

Give them your paycheck and your life...
Your kids.....
Your property....
Your wife.....
Your liberty....

My God may not be the same as yours....

The story seems to be universal.....

"DO NO HARM....{Period}"

Have fun with the ahiest {I-Hiest} thing............



You are about to see the transfer of everything you own
{or think you own}
To world banks.....

This is why you could buy a 50 k car and drive it
off the lot. But if you bought a 50 k home they wanted
30 years of paper on it...

The gig was to never let you own the property...
If you do not own it {outright} you really have no property

How does it feel????

This has been going on for thousands on years...

The rich "Soul" jack the poor and another 500 years
goes under the bridge....

Ignorence is not Bliss. There is no difference between
you and any other slave of the past.

You are being hearded into forced servitude and will be culled..

"It is too late to save you, but you can save your kids."

I'll be fine..
Left alone or killed....

Either will be fine with me.....

Good luck in the fall...

At the rate they are moving it looks like this....

1) We are getting bum rushed because we are stupid...

2) Some natural disaster is approaching and we are stupid..



I love every one of you.........

But you have to be kidding me..............

It is so easy to go along with the crowd, grapevine, media or
the passing word.....


You spent most of your life wading through the untruthes.....

How does that work in your world.........

Being lied to will only work well for you if you know
you are being lied to............

Most people know and then take action that they know
is based on a lie.....


{The liar then has all the control}

The three biggest lies ever told go like this....

-The check is in the mail....

-I will not cum in your mouth...

-I am from the government and I am here to help you...


One more time......

Carbon Dioxide is the fizzy stuff in your

It is what you exhale....

It has no effect on the planet.

:In fact the forests need the CO2 to live....

This is the biggest lie ever pushed onto the people
for no reason....

Anyone that agrees that CO2 is screwing the planet
earth should be eating a Blue crayon and peeing in
their diaper.....

No Proof at All.

All faked evidence.........

Al Gore will make "Billions"

How sad

You are being "Country Jacked"

TGIF again......

You sheepeople will get sold agian...

Fleeced by complete lies......

They scam you about health care and ram in
Cap and Trade and Card Check.

How is it possible that you are that stupid?????

They don't even care about the lies....

They know you are that dumb.........

Get ready to turn out the lights with a wimper....

You will not be able to roar...............

When your kids are hungry and they laugh at you.

"Do Not tell any of us we did not try to help you"

I will be busy helping my loved ones and will not have
time for you and yours..........

Good Luck, God Bless
I will be fine.


Over the edge......

The N. Koreans are going to nuke
Pearl Harbor.......

You really have to be kidding me.........

Let me ask a simple question......
"How do you want your Tuna cooked???"

{Microwaved from space or cruise missle broiled}


Thrown under the bus????


-If you are being shot at, who knows!!!!!

-What if you need bus parts???

The trick is not to go under the wheels and isn't
that the truth....

The wheels keep turning and the vehicle is much
larger than a bus....

The big wheels always follow a path....

As long as you do not put yourself in the path
you will not get run over....

But....big wheels get stuck and have piss poor traction..

"Just a thought"


Advice for Men.....

You are not complaining if you are doing the
If you are sitting on your ass claiming that it
is too tough. "Get a TuTu"
If you are working and she is bitching then you
are doing the right thing.
She does not know or even think about what you do..
"You would not put that on her"
That's what makes you a man....

The absolute faith a strong man has can never be

Worn down, busted out and still able to
maintain a smile in the toil....

I feel my grand-paps face when I feel that way...

Grey wiskers scratching a little boy's cheek.

He was a great guy.....

You younger men have to step up now...

The world is going to change and here is my

"Smart wins...."

"Evil relies on stupidity and the easy"

You demand from a strong position or you threaten
from a weak position........


I will give credit when due.....

Our new Prez..

Every {nut} group with an idea has bellied up to the

-UFO people
-Global warming
-antiGum (yes Gum)
-Chemtrails, hollow Earth, ACLU, etc...

Since the election, we have seen every crazy group
out there, come forward.....

They all think because they voted that they are owed what
they want. {and think they will get it}


Unless your cause is profitable for the powers friends or
carries some political favors for the powers, your cause
goes under the bus.......

The dumbing down of America "Worked"

The new prez. is very good at his job.......

TGIF...The weekend is coming....

What will be this weekend scare.....

-Swine Flu
-Missle strike
-global warming
-failing states
-speaker of the house
-the Fed.

Every weekend from Jan. it has been something

I'll make you a bet......

When the prez comes back from overseas, you will see
gas prices go way up.

Just in time for summer and the new GM cars and all...

"They are sitting on ton's of those crappy cars they
can not sell"

You didn't get hit yet.....

GM & Chrysler........

Mark my words......

You will hear two things the minute GM
emerges from this fake fold up.....

1) Ford cars are the devil and will kill your kids.....

2) Any used car {out of warrenty} is the devil and
will kill your kids and the planet.

The UAW will use the new government to force
everyone to buy their cars...

They will also force everyone that touches the new
generation cars to be a UAW member..

From AAA right down to the scrapyard guy.....

"Wait 1 year and tell me I'm wrong... I'll Wait"

How's that global warming thing going???

Don't get to smug.......

It does not matter what we do.....

The sun is in a longer than usual "Solar Minimum"

{No Sun Spots}

Let me explain:

"The sun is in sleepy mode and when it wakes up
it wakes up cranky"

It could wake up on Friday or it could wake up
10,000 years from now.........

We have been around but have not been keeping records
long enough to predict what will happen.

5,000 years is not enough data...........

On the bright side, it would seem that nothing
ever wipes man off the planet.

Meteors, earthquakes, volcanos, UFOs, locusts,
forest fires, floods, pandemics etc......

We seem to just adapt to the changes and press on...

Millions of years of changes and yet here we are....

"I love it"

All the global warming crap is a money grab...........

Like I tell all my close friends.....

"Take a look around, this is the garden of Eden
please do your best to take care of it. "

All we have to do to protect this planet is to pay attention
to it. You can have your SUV and your plastic bags and
also have good food and a cleaner greener planet to live on..

When it is no longer popular for governments along with world
banks to plunder the people. They will find that they will
collect far more money if it gets used for noble purposes...

"Funny how they never figure that out"


Ok..This is how it works.....

Missle sytems get sold worldwide.....

Like your laptop they become obsolete in
about 40 minutes.......

Believe it or not someone will approach you
with an up grade..

To make it simple......
Low tech, old assets are the best......

Believe it or not !!!!!!

A whole city (100,000 pop)
In Russia was vaporized......
"The population was so poor that they tried to
scrap the metal. "
The warhead was only tactical, but the rocket
fuel was a whole other story......

"Someone sneezed upping of the oxygen that set off the fuel"

Note: just for fun, The main boost for a missle is H2O2
that is Peroxide which reacts with pure oxygen.
It's the stuff you put on cuts.
{Mild Acid}

So here is the fun part....
In a cave on this planet is a bomb...
Built berfore WWII and everyone was killed
keeping a secret.

I'll bet ya.....

"They can not find all the lost Spanish gold"
" With the US Navy??????"

"How funny is that ??"

It's raining......

So I will write some tonight.....

I was sitting out at dusk with the dog. He wanted
to play so I tossed a ball for awhile. I took a look
around my yard while taking an inventory.

I live in a place that most people only dream of....

{The money grubbers will never understand, Why?}

I had the extreme pleasure of crafting all of it with
my hand....

Here is the inventory.......

-This place has no room for someone in a hurry....

-This place always has room for one more piece of

-How I ever got anything to grow here is a question
for the Vatican......

-How even with adversity the spirit of the place can
carry trough.......

-How do all of us remember the bad times so fondly
and kind of pass over the good times...

-This place will always be a mix of old stuff and new.
Some things show up later that I thought I got rid of.
"People mostly"

After the latest round of "Gut punches"

I figure I'll go another round.......

If nothing else Those that know about this place
have the best stories.....

"How do you like that for inventory??"

Real Threat......


They move their Navy.........
That closes the distance for strike aircraft....
They have old silkworm missles.......
"I would assume most would be junk by now
but if you shoot an old box of shells. Most will
They would not dare a US war ship but they will
strike other flags.....

"This is pretty much another joke"
"Let's start WWIII for the fun of it"

A complete money grab............

This is so sad

Split the lies....


We will not leave {Ever}

No nukes.........

North K...

Bombs Away..........

"Does this not strike you as odd ???"

The problem with nukes are the cost.

Sneak a missle out
They are dectectable and harder to maintain than
the space shuttle.
The only way anyone will hurt anyone with a nuke
is with a "Low yield tactical weapon".
Even this tactic would be less than workable.
The "Bang for your Buck" would come cruise missles"

The entire thing is a crap story.....

The value of threat......

If you threaten someone with a
handgun in the US....

The SWAT team comes out.
Even if you don't have a gun.....

If you launch a Ballistic missle in an area
of the world with dense population. "While
claiming it is a {Weapon of Mass Destruction}

You get a strongly worded letter.........

It is BULL#$%^&

It is called this weeks scare the people tactic......

If you thought that millions of people could be killed
by some idiot with his finger on the button....

Would any reasonable person not bring to bare
all force we could muster...

Is that not why we claim to send our kids to war...

"You are being fed crap"

Does Yu engoy yur chage.....

You have to love it......
They emptied all the mental hospitals.....

-Paint all your roofs white...
US. energy

I heard some idiot say 90% of the world
lives off of 2 inches of topsoil.

"Did he ever see the lawns in the US ???"

The government is going to take over the
car business, and they do such a great job with the
road business.

I figure that if they build a car you can not drive,
you will not sue them for the crappy roads they

And on, and on, and on.......


That's all folks

My last advice.....

A young man asked me.....
Here is my answer....

"You find all answers in a mothers love"

I have been all over the world.

The energy from your mom will carry you out..

I will be here when you want to run me down....

My mom loved me.....

I would rather plant flowers.....

How funny is it that I get the time to do it...

I'll fix our friend.....

How about my life......

I don't step on ants.....

Plants, pets and people are always safe in my care..

Anything else....


You want to be sad..

A really bad idea is to challenge my
gun rights...
I have to go ask a guy I consider a really
good person.
Do you have a problem......
We are not children, I will make the call..
I hate this...
If they have to get me on the do no harm
You have a real problem....
Hurting other people who ask for help will
get you some love........
When you see my face........
Buy a beer and do us all a love thing....
The energy in that will fix it...


Just so we are clear...

I have a tomato plant that needs
some water.....

I'll take care of it.......

If you bleed out in my driveway.
I'll get the same hose out...

Have a good day.........

I still get to be the boss...

If you get to live my life......
Take the pain and the loss......
and still care......

Ok it's 10:30 pm

Back to work...
"No White flag"
"You guys buring me better get to work"
"Dogs are on the grill, beer is cold.

"You are not getting paid until that hole
is filled"

Was that sappy.....

It was one of those days.....

"I made a deal with the energy of life
and I promised I would take a knee
if I think about you....

A bad Day ......

When I have a bad day....
You have a 300lb guy with a pony
tail. With a cocked and locked gun in each
How sad.....
I don't know if Lynn knows I really care.

I have spent so many years as the person in charge....

"A tear on my face and a gun in my hand"


I love life and the children that think I am their personal
"You get me and buc"

"It does not hurt my heart... "

"God" Thinks I am a good person and he
allows me to live my life....
I hold up my end of the deal..

Good., Bad or whatever you think of me..

I will still be your pirate,.....



I have work to do........

Rabbits have infested what is left of our home.

It would seem that they have come to face off
with me in my last stand....

In defense of my garden I have mines, rocket flares,
guns, traps, fence and a dog....

I will not win.........

2/3 of my garden will get eaten by the mongrels..

I like looking at them "So I don't care"

I'll plant things they like so they leave my stuff

"Most problems can be solved that way"


What are the odds.....

-They couldn't give cars away......

"I will say that a Dodge truck saved my life"

-1/2 ton, 4 wd Dodge totaled and not a mark on me...

-It was Thanksgiving Day.....

These car companies will not be able to do business
under goverment or union control. It just will not

Now back to the FACTS......

-Only 8 people died from swine Flu {Really}

-They would not close the borders {A number one thing}

-Every case was from Mexico {No spread}

"How did that happen ???"

Did you notice that all the "Power People" in America
have left the building ????

During the last election it seemed that nobody wanted the job...

In my opinion !!!!!

The new Prez. is locked in a war that has nothing to do
with politics..

The powers that be {Banking} do not like the idea that
Obama is changing the rules on them...

Shots are being fired across everyones bow, so get ready...

A "You sunk my battleship" moment is at hand....

For those that know.......

The only part of that building that
survived in tact is the Hot Tub.........

"Now tell me God has no sense of humor"

From the mouth of babes......

One of the kids asked this question on Sunday....
"I Guess you don't live there anymore ?"

Being the @%$hole that I am...

I looked at him and said "Why not, what do you mean ????"

The look on Nick's face was "Priceless"

For All the Nay-Sayers......

What are the odds that I did not

meet my end in this mess ???

"The river God provideth and the

river God taketh away"


R.I.P....House Barge......

At 10:30 Pm April 30, 2009

House Barge returned to the river God......

"Rest in peace old friend"

Bring your Ebola to work Friday.......

Every Friday since the new Prez took over
we have had a new scare....{Distraction}

Forget about what we are doing to the country..
Worry about the sniffles....

"It is allergy season"

If the new Swine Flu is what they are reporting
{7-Mexico, 1-US }
It's no big deal!!!!!

More people will choke and die on bubble gum
today alone.....

If they are under reporting to not scare people
then be very worried.....

They in my opinion are full of crap.......

"Why not close the border????"

Much like the new Prez this is a giant scam......

Every weekday the Prez and his network news
tell you how much better things are...

And every Friday they pull some other scam...

This is so sad.....

"Even stupid sheep will leave a burning barn."


Oh I'm Sorry.......

548,345 Dead

Spanish Flu....HP3T

Avian swine flu..............

Mutated and killed within a couple months....

This is no joke.......

Let's leave that border open...

The black death {plague}

Think I'm kidding.........

In case your not busy...

Swine flu........

Kills people.........
AKA {spanish flu}

Keep an eye on your kids....


Gun Control.........

No person that ever proposed gun control
ever pulled the trigger on a human.....

I have fired guns at people. I have been arrested
and put in jail for doing it.....

Not one person has ever been harmed.........

Not even a band aid...........

I consider that gun control............


Can You????

That is my only question.......

I can fend for myself.......

My loved ones will be safe and cared for.......

Please prepare yourself for difficult times..

It is coming and it is coming fast.....

You can do many things to help yourself and
your loved ones.........

Feel free to ask, my advise is always FREE
Opinions are like Assholes everyone has one......


The end of the world..........

Please people "Buy a book"

I heard a hoax today that made me sick...

Penn and Teller sent someone out to collect names
to ban the chemical {Dihydrogen Monoxide}

People signed up in droves to ban this deadly form
of man made pollutant....

Dihydrogen Monoxide is water stupid...{H2O}

"You have to be informed or we are doomed"

If I was promoting the production of "Cannabis Sativa"
You would be all for it {Wouldn't Ya}

The globalists are starting a religion. Al Gore has less
proof for his religion than is in the Bible...



Here is a reminder......

For all of you wishing for civil war.......

10 years in Vietnam got us....
58,159 Dead

4 years of civil war got us......
623,912 Known dead approx.
Figs. go to 1.2 Million
51,583 Dead in one day....

Be careful what you wish for.....

Someone please remind Hillary that only 35
US people got killed in the Barbary war......

More people get killed in Washington DC every
week than got killed fighting pirates....

It is more dangerous to be on the streets of DC than
to be on the seas of coastal Africa or in Iraq....

GO FIGURE !!!!!!!!!!!

Which one of those three places has "GUN CONTROL"

More of us have been killed fighting with each other than
in any other war EVER........

Look for yourself:

This is the funny part.......

The people who think the new Prez. is the new
great hope are the people he and his group hate the

They never get it. The easily swayed and gullible are
what they want all of us to be.......

No more than gum on their shoe...

The smarter and those that are willing will be given
their due. One way or the other this will work out....

"It always has and always will"

I told you this before......










They Say:
"We know you are making you house payments but
you are not out buying things so it your fault"

I Say:
"I will buy you some plywood to board up your bad

1 Million people in Allegheny County and how many

Too much investment based on pie in the sky revenue
numbers so now you see the result....

Look at McNightmare Road and you will find that the
best investment there is "Plywood"

The banks lost on the gamble but like children they do
not want to wait for things to get better...

They want to keep their candy but cry until you pay
for it......


You guys have no idea.........

Your " Tea Party" has them worried.....

The media did not pay you any attention....
They picked sides....
It will not work out good for them.....

The media will now find themselves talking to
each other...
The people they are trying to reach will now
move farther away....
When they are no longer a useful tool they will
get shelved....

"A sand castle on the beach is no match
for a stormy rising tide"

Quick...Run and hide !!!!!!!!!!!!

Homeland security just named the top threat
to the USA....

It's those damn Al' Qamericans....

They have Old Navy shorts, go to malls, go
to church, listen to country music...

They put flags in their yards and bumper
stickers on their cars....

They hunt, cook out, breath, fart and pay

This extreme radical group has a weapon of
mass destruction.....

Although the have not used it yet. The government
fears they are getting ready to unleash it...

It's called informed voting......


And now the punch line......

Al Franken Wins........

Someone play "Send in the Clowns"

A pirate story.....

Did you know ??????

Key West, Florida was once the wealthiest city
in America. The revenue source was salvage
taken from wrecked shipping and smuggling.

It would seem....

They would move the reef markers to lure ships
to crash on the reefs. Since most of the reef is about
5 miles off shore the cargo would get spilled in shallow
water. This practice of plunder started in the early
1800's and salvage in the area is still going on today.

Some action due to pirates will occur in the Florida
Straights today...

It goes on on the high seas everyday.....

Smuggling, insurance fraud, theft and murder..

SEAL team snipers.......

"It's the feel good story of 2009"

We need these guys to take out the pirates
on Wall Street.........


A Navy Seal.......

I will tell you this Marcus.......

I never thought anything could lay me down...

A bird taught me that lesson.

I love my dogs more than life, but a 3 inch
tall bird dropped me right to my knees....

However it works out for you, if you still have
some to give.

There is someone that needs you.......

I loved that &%$# bird......


For those of you who know me........
For those of you that don't........
{I am the nearest thing your kids will ever see}

They told you on the news that pirates grabbed a
US flagged ship off the coast of Africa....

Either that captain is the idiot of the century, drunk,
stupid, blind or the worst shot mankind has ever seen..


This is a farce...

What a joke, Just try to steal a beer off my boat.....


I have guns...So what....

I don't hunt....

Tried it...Don't like the killing...

Love to eat game...killing it...just not my gig...

I don't target shoot...

Too much effort......

{fun ..out on some farm}

I don't polish them....

To much effort......

{Buy high end guns}

The biggest threats to my guns are dust and


They have been coming to get our guns for

30 years.

Could you imagine collectimg all the guns in Allegheny


Right around that point you would have the military

of most countries out gunned.......

Who would collect it??

I could here it now....

Grandpa I need to take that long rifle for the revenuers..

"Good Luck"

Are we done....Yet

You can spin it anyway you want....

Blame anyone you want.....

Call it whatever you want.....

But it is US......

We let this happen..........

We let the next generation run wild....

Who is teaching these kids ?????

The thing I remember from first grade lessons is

an Officer explaining that he represents safety...

And that he is a friend to children and always on guard.

That badge means you don't get to "Do unto others without

having done unto you"

"An Eye for an Eye"

In our modern world they have modified the system and

made it more palatable.

I like my civil rights, and so far I have lived them all my life.

I don't have to worry about hiding anything or having a face to face

with the police...

Why would you blame anyone for asking you to give up your guns,

when you are surrendering them at such a cost?????

"Your Life, your loved ones, other peoples loved ones,

God, faith and your soul


There are no words........

Three dead officers...........
One wounded.......
One with a broken leg.......

This is so heart wrenching...........

I don't know what to say......

Armed with an AK......

This psycho 23 year old "WannabeRamboTard"

Ambushed two officers at the front door.....
Killed a third that was trying to cover the downed...
Hit a fourth officer trying to cover.....

Then changed his mind when he figured out trading
lead with the SWAT Team is a bad idea......

I have great respect for the Police in Pittsburgh...
I know many of them.......

I can not express the sorrow we feel in our house......

"When this guy finds his way to a holding cell. Please
allow him to keep his shoe laces, belt and other
clothing drawstrings"


G-20 G21 whatever it takes......

The Prez meets the queen, what a joke.....

A: We threw them out of this country.......
{They are now getting even}

B: We jumped in when their little bitch Hitler
went bad seed on them...

The house of Windsor owns two thirds of the world.
Their power is vested in the world banks.
"Columbus was granted head of all the seas"
Who has that power

1776 until 2009 and Obama just handed the colonies
back to the queen.

Germany, France, Scotland, England, Italy, Russia and Polland
are all failed governments. So now according to the Prez you have
to pay.

The world banks need all your money and they need it now.......

That is the problem.....

What do they know that we don't ???????

For some reason they only seem to be worried about short
term fallout from what they are doing......

That should scare you more than anything.....


BUY FORD..............

If you had to bet your money,,,

Would you bet on Henry Ford???

I'll dance with who brung me.....

Ford will be running the wreckage
of this country.....

I will remind the UAW....
You have been in bed with the government
for some time. One of you just opened a condom.
Ford took the high road..and left the room...

Here is another point {Res. Tip} to ponder....

It was called the "Soviet Union" the workers party.

"How did that work out for the workers ???

USW, UAW, UMW, EU, NAU.......

How is that working out?????

Union watching out for the workers {GOOD}
Corupt, greedy Union {BAD}
Let the people have their money and everyone
Take all their money and it is misery for everyone....

Buy a history book and a FORD.......

If you buy a new FORD, I will lend you a good

Oh..Just another crazy thought....

When is the Prez. going to do one thing that
helps you ???????

Has he done anything that helps you........

Sold the banks, gave GM to the unions
and is about to remove us from World power

Is this what the people want in a leader???

"You got bought and sold"

Just nuts.....

I'm not a nut, but did any of you notice
a change in your internet????

Email is goofy, cell phones are acting

Just a guess, but get ready to be without.
You will be limited..

They are going to take control of the internet
in the US......

Car companies and banks they would be stupid
not to grab Ebay and Craigs...

I will miss it........

"What a good thing it could have been for the


The Black Knight........

Right after the prez. gets knighted
by the British Banks. {I mean Queen}

He will hand over you, your children and
the keys to the USA...

You wanted it you got it............

It most likely will not work but it will
mean lots of pain for us.......


Did anyone notice......

Congress was gone for the whole

Now they are voting on bills day and

It is like "Night of the living Dead"

They blew the dust off every old
crazy piece of legislation they could

And passed it.....

"You can no longer have sex with a
chicken, if you have snow skis and a
musket in Florida"

The state representative for Fla. had
to have "Animal Husbandry" explained
to her.

The Banana and a condom must have
been a real treat.

If we have to have EMT's at meetings
for the people running OUR government.

Some of these poeple are so old that a Latex
condom is like the space shuttle....

Some have been in office since before
Elvis croaked....

What does a senile 100 year old senator
know about "You Tube"


Ahh...It's Sunday (the day of rest)

Not for the government.......

They are doing us in over the weekends....

You wake up on Monday and the rules have

This is always how it has been done....

At night, in private and while you are not looking...


The public decided they had had enough losses and
pulled the plug.

It was a fire sale for the rich. they made billions.....

All you have to do is look it up...

It is the same plan. and it works on us every time...

This is how it works....

"They make sure you lose all your money. Then they
make you mad at some evil entity. The war starts and
you devote and sacrifice heart and soul. They offer you
shelter for your devotion. They use you to rebuild the
defeated bad guy.. And you go for it"

Rebuilt Europe {Germany}
Rebuilt Japan and Italy
Iraq {Who Knows}

We are the only people stupid enough not to plant a
flag on land we shed blood for...

After the cost of lives in Iraq and the billions of dollars
gas in the US should be about a penny a gallon.

After WWII "Why should Japan be any type of economic

Tell the queen to kiss my behind. Why do they not
praise the US flag "We saved them"

As hard as it is to grasp....

This has been a giant scam....

This is Old School, bow down to the lords of the

It is pure and simple SLAVERY

If you owe money they own you..........
"Like slaves in the south"

They absolutely hate Americans making
enough to get out of debt. If you don't
have big debt they can't get your pay....

The fear they have about giving you
stimulus money is that you will use it
to pay off bills. (Bush helped you)

Your credit card to them is like a rental
apartment without the plumbing problems..
Every month they get a rent check for
letting you live in their money......

God forbid you pay it off

Will Fargo get a bail out ?????


You have to loot and riot to get money.....

The good people of ND have to turn savage
and sit on the roofs.

Rob all the stores and light the place on fire...

You will get handed a check....

Fend for yourself and pitch in to help and
your bailout plan will be a bucket.....

Good Luck and God bless all of you....

I have been there....

I wear the "Hell and High Water" T-Shirt

{you need more crime and dem voters in Fargo}


O. said he would talk us out of war.....

The facts: This is how war works''''
"We kill enough of them to win"

We can save more lives that way....

Protracted battle over politics or
land hurts people We will break in and steal
your riches without the losses to our team...

I would prefer to share the booty with all
hands. Your prez wants to give the big
shares to the officers. This has always turned
out badly for said officers.....

This is not a new concept......
Every failed leader in history has big O's face on

He may have come along at the perfect time to
unite the people of the US.

I personally care about the people. If it all goes
sideways, I can help the masses.....

That makes me feel good......

Tell me I'm wrong {lol}


Volcano, Flood, Blizzard........

Oh No.......AL

It sounds like "Global Swarming"

Although, the gas and particulate matter spewed out
of the volcano made a great looking sunset here in Pgh.
tonight. The nice sunsets will last for a while.
The blasted out CO2, Glass like ash, acids and other
good stuff, get into the jet stream and wash over the

You will not see this in the news because it is the
inconvenient truth. That volcano put out more
gas of all kinds in one day than man has in history.

In Pittsburgh we are known for smelting iron ore into
steel products.

That volcano smelts everything......

It and all its brothers could care less about what
Al Gore thinks.....

Here is another little gem that you will not be clued into.
When there is an eruption gold and diamonds are often
present in the ejecta.

"Alaska-Gold "

Say it isn't so.......

Another little slip of the inconvenient truth......

"Go ahead"
Tell me I am wrong.......


You want to know what is going on in Mexico ????

Get real....

It is exactly what the teamsters have done to the
grocery stores before....

The fight is over distribution routes....

Do you really care if Columbian drug cartels
take over the Mexican government???

At first it was cheaper to just payoff the Mexican
government and now it's cheaper to take over.

Just business........

Hillary wants to tell you it is your fault and funnel
billions to the politicos in Mexico. They will AIG bonus
themselves right out of the country with your money.
See down there they just kill you.....

Let them shoot it out on their side of the fence.
The politicos have been getting money from both
sides for decades and now are rich, fat, lazy and
afraid "Don't blame them"

But now it's time to pay the piper, but not with our

If Hillary tells the cartels to keep it south of the fence
they will be more than happy to. Pull back US support
from the real criminals and you could clean up that
border in about 48 hours..

I like Mexico....
But tell me I'm wrong......

Why are people moving into camps?????

Didn't we bail out the banks on all those

I figure the new cash cow industy will
be stills....

Do you know how to convert an old
pick up into a working alcohol money

Then buy my new CD for only $1,999,900 US
plus shipping....

Be the go to guy at the camps........

You will learn.

How to use still flue output to keep warm and
cook food......

How to keep thieves away by poisoning a batch....

How to sell the really good stuff to the lords of the manor
so they look the other way about your operation..

Sham Wow... for an extra $500 thousand we
will throw in the " Why you should not eat the
food they let you have CD"

Some things really do work throughout the ages.....


This is too funny.......

Source Google news....

The Mexican government is going to
clamp down on Mexican criminals,
sneaking back into Mexico from the

I thought this was a joke.....

Guess what.....

"Send lawyers, Guns and Money"

"What do you yell at them when they are
swimming to the south shore of the Rio Grande"



My dad used to call toilet tissue "Butt Roll"

I guess you could call that wad in your pocket
the same thing....

The Russians and the Chinese are about to start
making new money. To buy anything you will
have to buy the new money first. The exchange rate
will be about 1000 to one. I would assume they will
call the new money BO's since he is making it all possible.

That means you will get a big Mac for 1000 Us dollars or
1 BO. If you think you lost money in your 401k wait about
a week.

Keep your gold and other metals, the paper you call money
is about to be gone.

The US dollar is the same as an IOU note. It is not even
printed by the US government. The federal reserve is
not part of our government or our country.

None of the money is real, not your mortgage, not your
pay check, not your savings... All of it is made up and
worthless when they decide it is.....

An IOU is only as good as the person you got it from.....

Do you think these are good people?????


Everything but the right thing.......

Why do you think that is??????

They have an agenda !!!!!!!!!

If you are going to be a true leader of
the American people...
What would you say ??????

I would go on TV and say....
"People stock up for a couple hard years. We
will emerge in better shape. You do not have to
fear about the future, as we are protecting the
assets of your country for you and your
grand children. I will direct state and military
leaders to pull back into positions that protect
us until economic stability is resumed. We will
persue and correct any activity in the banking
system that harmed the public.
That is our job.....
Sleep well.... I'm on it

Let me know when you here that.............

They are doing and saying everything that is the
opposite of what will help the public....

You are being sold out........


You should have educated yourself years ago...

I watched the president tonight and not one
word that came out of his mouth was true or
made sense.

The government is doing everything possible
to ruin this country.

Either they are so stupid that they are chewing
the crayons, or they have another agenda...

There is no way this country will survive another
30 days under this leadership....

I love this statement {from tonight}
"Never mind the stock market or the dollar.. We
need to invest in education and health care"

That is a complete lie....

The administration has spent zero time and zero
money towards this goal.

It will be too late when poeple figure out what
they voted for...

Change.....{Enjoy your change}


The new entity......

You get the new entity in the morning....

AIG has to go and they will save us....

You fall for this, you deserve what you get....

I told You.......

The new entity will be over seas banks buying
you with your money.......

They are doing you in on the weekends while
they think you are not looking.....

Last weekend the economy was all flowers and
rainbows.. This weekend you have to pony up
a trillion to offshore banks...

How much scam can you take?????

It must be me......

I thought we already spent money
to bail out the banks....

But it would seem we are just getting
to that.

What is a toxic asset????

Who got the 10 trillion US dollars
that left the country in the past 90

We bailed the banks out.....
What do you want now?????

I love Sunday......

I read the news going into
Monday morning......

All I can say is "Flush"

Just today, I got an offer from

Buy an over stock 2008 GMC dumptruck
and we will give you whatever deal you want...

If they don't go under in the next couple days
I might bite.

Nothing down, no intrest and no payment for
60 months.....

That is no BS that was the deal......

I never buy GM trucks, "Don't like em"
I love GM high end cars and Ford trucks....

But today I would buy a GMC 1-ton dump,
Why not........
On Tuesday the company will go under and
my paper will be burried under the rest of it.

How is that going to be good for America.

"Take this 50 thousand dollar truck that we have
to beg you to take. Because we have to make it
look good"

The silver lining is that I need a new dump and the
deal is good "I'll get the truck for 25k"

"Who said God doesn't have a sense of humor"


Assets are everything.......

On the books of world banking...

Old people are a debit and youth and
productivity are a credit..

As long as they can saddle you with
debt for the rest of your life you are
valuable to them.

Think about it.....

When you work they take money out
of your pay before you owe it.
They let you buy a house but you have
to pay for it for Thirty Years.

Explain this......

I can buy a car that cost 50 thousand
and make payments for 5 years..
If I buy a house for fifty thousand I will
have to make payments for thirty years
and the payment will be the same..

Your are to the world banks what a field
of corn is to a farmer.

Just an Asset......

Get sick, get old or do anything else that
puts you in the debit side and you will
be gone.

As soon as they no longer need the wealthfare
masses for votes, they will cut those ties.

Profit and Loss that is all that matters.......

They want population control because all those
mouths to feed take money out of the system.

Unless you can make enough money to pay them
the taxes, fees and interest. Or provide a viable
mental commodity they can harvest. You are of no
value to them and will be treated as such...

You can eat later............

Anybody over 30 think I am wrong ???????

Obama's Private Army.....

All you little Obamanites get ready......
You are going to "Boot Camp"......

What do you think that proposal means??

Why does the Prez need a civilian army
that is as armed and funded as the regular
military?? (which he commands)

Since most of the people now in government
dodged the draft and protested the military.

Why do they want you to get drafted??

Will you have to go to jail if you are a
conscientious objector????

Do you really think all the gangs in LA, New York,
and Miami are going to line up in camps????

I'll tell you why....
Our military like all armies around the world
have plans in place if they have to overthrow the
government of their own country. Almost all
governmental take overs have been preformed
by that governments army.
Obama will not declare Marshall law. The people
presently in power despise the military and the services
know it. If Marshall law was declared it would move
the top Generals into a position to relieve the commanding
officer from his duties, confine him to quarters and take
control. Remember when you here that the military is
coming into the cities that they have bases around our
cities. Here in Pittsburgh there are several. Also keep this
in mind, almost every soldier has a mother, father, brother,
sister, best friend, Grand Mother, wife, child and favorite
pet, all living on the streets of America and their mission
is to protect those streets at all cost and against all enemies


Let me be more alarming......

Everything you know and everything
you thought about being an American
is under assault.....

Like to tailgate....Illegal

Like to cook out...Illegal

Have a Tellescope...Illegal

Use gas, sit on your porch, look up at the sky,
listen to DVE, Have a gun, own a car, care
Yes, I am sorry I can not finish.....
{A bird is singing outside the window}

"I wish I could tell you that this will work
out good for us. But i will tell you this.....

Please, "Get Smarter" You are dragging
down the people you need to help you.
If you think Obama will help you "Please
cut the rest of us loose."

Nobody Cares.......

People are not stupid they just don't
care. Like sheep being led through
a shoot, mindless...

The wake up call will be empty
stomachs. At that time it will be too
late, and the unwashed masses will
beg those that enslaved them...

You are not like them...They think of
you the same way they thought of a
native American indian.

They will starve you.....

Infect you........

Take all your assets......

Tax your dead........

Take your children......

And trade your future "not their's"
for a blanket and beads......

The people in congress only have your money,
they are not doing anything but going to work
everyday. They don't have to make a profit,
they have you, to them it is all profit.
No overhead, taxes or laws, just your money
and the faster they can retire rich the better.

Can you blame them.......

They didn't con you. You knew that's what they
were doing. They didn't even bother to lie to you.

You voted for them......

The power players will pull out
now and let you have what is left....

Write this in a message to your unborn child
"Sorry I was stupid"
This may not mean much by then.....But
"I pray so"

Anyone notice birds chirping at night.....

I have seen in the last month.....
Flocks of geese with flocks of gulls moving
North at 3:00am.
Every night for four weeks in a row.
The birds are singing all night long and
during the day "nothing".....
We feed the birds and have done so in the
marina for decades....
So far on the first day of spring we have seen.
No-feral cats
1-set of prints "raccoon"
no-ground hogs
no-river rats
In my 30 years, I have never seen it this way.
My place is ground zero for Mother Nature and
for some reason we are having a zero year for
You tell me..........

Congress will get evil AIG,,,,,,,,,

Does that make you feel good...
We own AIG congress bought it
with your money....

What a scam...

"Congress is going to force AIG out of business
and insist that the people wanted it"

And trillions in assets that US taxpayers own
will be gone...

Two seconds after AIG folds a new offshore entity
will be standing there to pick up the pieces and
save us...

We are morons..........

The scam is government wide and being run
from world banking.


Change...Might not be all bad..

This administration promised change and they
may just get it......

On every level and on just about every subject the Dems
are ramming every law forward that they can think of.

From gumball size restriction all the way up to Carbon
Tax and new world order......

Spend it, Tax it, Make it Illegal just do it and do it fast.....

It would appear that the people are waking from a long
sleep and are looking to return government to what it
should be....

Do you think that was the change the new Prez wanted?

If it was "He is the Man"

This is what you should be looking at.....

What future do you see in this radical
party for Barney Frank?

There are many that you will be hard
pressed to remember their names in about
six months.....

They are cannon fodder for the agenda....

So if Mr. Frank is too stupid to figure out that
he will get thrown under the bus soon.

Why are we letting him control anything?

If he does know then the scam is working.......

Sham WoW that didn't take long.....

They pulled the trigger on the stock market faster
than I thought......
Get ready for this weekend full of doom and gloom
for the economy.
And a mere 48 hours ago we where on our way to
economic bliss.
"I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today"


Bonus Gate..........BS

The big bonus scandal is a scam.

165 Million "Really ????"

"How much did the Prez spend
on his inauguration ???"

It's a smokescreen to keep you
from seeing what is going on......


Ah...The Pump and Dump

Step right up folks and plunk your money

The Stock market is on the rise "Get in
while it's hot"

If you do this you should not have money...

If your fund manager does this hang him.....

The Federal Reserve and AIG gave your money
to foriegn banks, those banks are buying gold in
third world countries with US dollars.

Small amounts of these billions are being pumped
into the stock market to drive down gold prices.

When they are done holding up the market they
will Dump on the way out....

If you have gold don't sell it, if you don't you can buy
but it will be a tough market for about 2 weeks.

All you have to do is watch the dow and gold in the US
during the day and spot check gold overseas at night.

or wait two weeks {lol}

Milankovitch was all wet......

Just kidding.....

I think his theory was just a symptom of the
cycle. I believe the ocean currents react to the
orientation of our solar system around the galaxy.

The axis of the earth could only account for Ice Age
periods that would be fairly predictable within known

The fact that we have little known data and it seems
to be confused. Tropic climes in the Arctic, maps of the
Antarctic unfrozen coast and core sample ice, seem to
lead to larger forces.

Who knows???

Since we don't have written data that extents much
beyond 6,000 years ago. It is all we have to go on and
that makes it tough. {everything is theory}
Flash frozen large mammals under a mile of ice can lead
to some fun theory.

So here is my summary....
According to every ancient culture....
"Every so often the Milkyway lines up with our sun and
puts the Earth in the cross hairs and pulls the trigger"
{Mayan translation by T 11:27}

No one knows for sure but it seems we are moving into
gun range.....{lol}


Thought I was kidding ?????????

The Auroral Oval

In 1989 the Auoral lights could be seen from Miami Fl.
A large solar storm due to the suns solar max. cycle caused
a solar flare that wreaked havoc on earth.

The sun cycles between min. and max. about every eleven years.

1989-1990 max

2000-2001 max

2011-2012 max

Might be a problem in 2012 because our
technology has become much more sensitive
to such an event.

You will have very little time from the
eruption until your cell phone and computer
get fried.......

The electomagnetic energy from the flare can
travel the 92 million miles to Earth in the blink
of an eye.....


Did you know.....

They used to grow pot {hemp}
all over Pittsburgh.
Used for making rope and shipped by
river all over the world.
Hempfield Township

Think its a joke....its not.

Senate Bill S. 425
House bill HR 875

Will make it a crime to have a garden in your yard.

Think I'm a nut "Look it up on google"

My guess is that control of the food supply is what
they want.........


I believe that the universe is God's
collective conscious.
We to him are the fond thought
about a close friend or an old pet.
More like the energy in the thoughts
of a lost loved one.
The things that make the universe work
are exactly the same as the ones that work
inside your brain. A snap of energy and an
idea is born.
To me we are God's thoughts, questions,
misgivings, remorses, love, hopes and dreams.
That to me this is the wonder............

I Love Glenn Beck..but

Glenn, If you think you sold that crying game, spare me.
{All you needed was Paris and Jerry Springer}
Patriot, General, ride a horse through the night or fly "one if by
land". Something was just quite not right, do you think
selling books {who has time to read} is that important.
Are you living up to what you preach.

Yes, you hold service everyday {like it or not}
You seem to be off the mark a little.
I would ask you "why act the snake charmer"
I don't question that you work hard..
"I would like to know who you work for"

"I lost faith in you man"

Hungry again in ten.....

You never saw me eat.......

Wild rice, Tuna steaks, lobster, shrimp and sauces work for me...

Asian noodles {pasta} are the best.

Note: Asian food is not to be eaten as leftovers (lol)

I'm on the calory per-second diet (I'm in tenth place)

I love Chinese food.......

I really do.....
They buy our bond debt, backed by our dollar.......
We are starting to disappoint sugar daddy.........

That check G Bush gave you was to buy goods
made in China.

Our government is floating credit cards.........

Somewhat like a "Junkie Teenager"

They will cut us off.....

But, I still like Chinese Food..............


Ask an old miner........

In most of the country of old....

The people lived in towns that where owned
by the railroad or the mines or the steel company.

So the workers went to their jobs everyday and
earned their pay.

But they had to buy all their clothes and food at the
company store. Rent their house off the company
and drink in the company bar. If they needed money
then they would have to go to the company bank
and borrow against their pay checks.

This practice started the unions.......

Slaves, to the company, locked in with their

In America this was part of the growing pains
of a young country. But we out grew it and much
blood was shed in the learning. Right now this is
being imposed on the people again. This time it
is much different. Free people do not take well
to servant status and a war will be waged.

"Take a quarter out of your pocket"
The guy on the front, won this same war.......

"Get a Book"

God...I hope you made it out.....

It is Friday the 13th and I hope you got
out on this little rally.....

Over the weekend it will be all balloons
and flowers. While they try to sell stimulus II
and if they meet Resistance the market will
go down and while they whittle away at it
the market will stay down.

It's like water boarding the invested public.
They hold your head under until you give them
something. Then they let you up for air "But
not to much" and when they need more from you
under you go.....

Congress has hit the big spinning blade.....

There is so much crap spinning out of
Washington and the media. They think
you will not notice......

It's like a short change scam. Just keep talking
and say anything but none of it is true.
It is purposely designed to confuse you......
The sky is falling on one channel and it is sunny
and blue on another.

You are being scammed......

This little up tick in the market is going to be
sold like this in the next 48 hours....


You will here this on the evening news...

If you fall for it, you deserve what you get......

{If it is working to fix the economy why do anything ?}



The fishy smell of Madoff......

Isn't it funny that they spent more
time chasing OJ's Bronco then they
did herding this guy to jail ????

What happened to the money????

Who else is involved?????

These cases take years to unravel and
even if the guy pleads it wouldn't happen
this fast.

It's my opinion that it is a smoke screen
and this guy is the sacraficial lamb.
They want to keep the public looking
away from the issues.

Too much, Too fast, Too easy
Doesn't work that way.........

International Space Station........

In a partnership between Penndot and
NASA the space station nears completion.

While attempting to take down the orange
barrels that stretch from here to the moon.
A sleeping Penndot space walker lost his
shovel and nearly wrecked the project....

Would you love to see the real price tag.....

Ozone and the Boogie man.....

Read the Google news stories today
about long term exposure to Ozone.

Total scare the public BS.

The numbers are all fudged.

Ozone is Tri-Oxygen {O3}
And is toxic and corrosive

It protects this planet from the sun
and gets used to clean pool water.

They claim in an 18 year study that ozone
caused the deaths of about 9,000 people with
respitory problems. (500 per year)
They also claim that this study included
450.000 people.
They further claim that O3 levels in major
cities top 100 parts per million (ppm)

1 ppm of O3 causes headaches in humans.
More than 500 people a year die choking on
their gum...

I thought we are depleting the ozone layer
through our evil ways. But according to the
La. times and USA Today we have been doing
the right thing all along.

Who da thunk it???????


They are selling you....Stupid

The government does not have money......
They get the money they spend out of your
Gas, Food, Smokes, Beer, utilities, Pay, Home
What they are doing right now.........

Is writing IOUs to the international banking groups
promising that working Americans will be paying them
far into the future....

Did it not occur to you that the budget bill
signed today. {to run the government} Was only
about 400 billion. That's about ten times less than
the give away. AIG alone got more than half as much,
GM wants more and Freddies back.

"Nightmare on your street"

I don't know why they bother.......

Holding press meetings and running
it on the evening news...

Most people could care less or don't

You are being lied to on a scale that
almost is mind blowing.....

Everything comming out of Washington
is BS pure and simple....

I don't get it......

The people that care and know are really
getting pissed including top level Dems.

The rest of the mindless do not have a clue.

I still here people saying he is going to change

And it get worse everyday...

By next week you will here....

"We have to spend another trillion or two"


I didn't feel good about that

Do you feel good about the
change in your world ?????


Be nice now..........

I am a tree hugger........
For real, It's 11pm and I just gave a junkie
my change {60 cents}.
Late twenties guy with blue lips and looked
like a dirty Brad Pitt.
This is something to think about......

If you ever saw me you would not
associate me with the car I just exited.

So he tried to cut me a two for one deal
with whatever card he had in hand. This
was at an outside, walk up to the window store.
I assume the cards were food stamps.
I said "No Thanks"
He said "Thank you Sir"
I gave him my change when I left the
window. I honestly didn't have anything else
on me.
If you still care!!!!!!!
We will be OK....."Trust me Sir"

Explain this using common sense......

That are claiming the ice caps are melting and
sea levels are rising. {and want you to pay}


That are claiming that there will will be world
wide drought. {and want you to pay}

Now here is a message from the good people and
this is free for all the world.....

The ice caps may melt they have before and they
will refreeze {nothing to do with you}
Worry about melting the ones you get at the movies.

People who have droughts most often move to places
that don't have water. Most droughts happen regularly
and in the same places. Why do you think most of the
world population lives near the water ???

(They will put out a drought alert in Pittsburgh "really")

THERE IS NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do something we don't do anymore.
"Ask for Proof "
To lock up a person you need all types of evidence.
To lock up a planet you need none.

Global Warming is a scam and it is rapidly
being uncovered.

Experts worldwide are shaking their heads..

Giving Al Gore a Nobel Peace Prize was part
of the scam otherwise what did he do to earn it.

When old Al tries to shut down Coke and Pepsi
I will take him seriously. Every carbonated soft
drink opened on the planet releases CO2.

Let Al tell you to drink flat soda and beer.

Go ahead Al push that agenda " I Dare You"

Your diet root beer is not hurting the planet
although we do have to do something about the
plastic bottle. The solution to the waste plastics
problem should truly earn you a prize......


Stem cells...............

This is why you should not rely
on network news for information....

President Bush, DID NOT
ban Embryo. Stem Cell research.
The ban was on.
Federal Embryo. Stem Cell research GRANTS

If Bayer wanted to to the research they where free to
using their money..

"I did not agree with this ban preferring better
regulation over the grants"

Those doing the research at the time had too many
grandiose promises and too little evidence. They lined
up at the Federal money feed wagon in droves with
every claim from curing jock itch to curing cancer.
All claims ended with this phrase " In ten to fifteen years"

It had to be stopped at that level...

Now those that continued the research sans Federal
funding have made great strides.

All that will occur now will be university labs will line up
for huge grants to get back up to speed.

The spending of this money is far better than giving it
to GM or the banks.

To most this science is like Voodoo but I assure you
it is not.

More good things than bad have come out of well
funded labs......

Run Luke Run.......

Good for you Mr.Mayor, I like you.....

Please drop the Renaissance III thing...

Third time is not a charm around here...

If you look at the City of Pittsburgh you
would have a hard time selling a bad economy.

The shear amount of construction going on
in Pgh. is staggering.

New arenas, casino, tunnel, and roads spreading
out in every direction.

I don't know what parts of the country are out of
money but it does not seem to be here.

So we must be holding on to our guns, our money
and our religion.....

I saw a picture of Michael Jackson.........

Setting aside his well known habits..

And my well known thoughts about
what should happen to people with those

I look at his face and I think he was much
more injured in that Pepsi fire accident,
than the public was told..

His face looks like it has had massive amounts
of reconstruction to the muscle and dead tissue..

As he ages it gets harder and harder to hide.....

Pepsi and the insurance companies would have
paid very well to protect the brand..

Just a thought


Auroral Oval......

This is something to keep an eye on...

The sun is not active at all so the
Northern and Southern Auroral Ovals
should be smaller but they are not.

The sun is supposed to be cycling to solar
max, so there will be a rise in solar activity..

I wonder what the Global warming nuts will say
when you can see Auroral lights from Miami....

Who are you greenhouse gasbags going to
blame that on.....

This planet will light up like a big Blue neon sign........

Its a crapapoluza............

The Dems won complete control
of the government....

Yet they are screaming bloody
murder over conservative radio...

Why would they care about something
that clearly had no effect...

I'll tell you why......

The upper levels of the Dem party know
that their policies will not be popular
if shown in the light of day...

I say if some talk show is not being truthful
then boot it off the air.
But if you are telling the truth you should be
on every minute of the day.

If you are a powerful Dem and you think Rush
is not being truthful about your party.

Call the show its only on 15 hours a week........

Here is a good one.........

From google news....

One area of new construction that has
not been hit by the economy

New Prisons


From the mouth of babes.....

You have to get closer to younger people.
They are not as mad at the world as you.
But it makes you feel better, that they will
be there soon......

Do you want to laugh or cry....

Some young and developing mind......
Is sure I am the guy that puts the gas
in the sun at night..........
A noble task.............
I'll do my best..........

Ok........It is because you poop......

It works like this......

200 years ago- if you took one drop of sea water and one
drop of sweat off your brow. They could not
tell the difference
100 years ago- You could start to see that the sweat had chemicals
in it...
Now - The most dangerous thing on the planet is human
body fluids

The sweat stain or a tear is salty (not like but the same as sea water)

7 billion humans pooping the chemicals in the diet soda will have
an effect on the planet........

Look at it this way.....
The last thing in the world you would feed your roses,
would be human poop.....
Worm poop
Cow poop
horse poop
But not commander T poop

Testing your world...........

Go into an emergency room of any
hospital in America.
Tell them you got bitten by a dog.
You will get a band aid and an aspirin.....

Go into that same emergency room and
say you got bitten by a human.

The next person within 100 feet of you.
Will be wearing a space suit.........

Take a look at your world.........

I live 25 feet from the edge of the Ohio river...

No matter what happens
I will not be hungry, thirsty, lacking power
or firewood.

I have solar panels, windmills, generators
and every tool I need......

I have guns, fishing rods and a green thumb

I know how to make the water drinkable and how
to cook the parasites out of meat and fish.

I know how to and have had to build all sorts
shelter. Cold, wet and hungry will not be my

What will you do ????????

I'll give you some advice...
When approaching someones camp at night
announce yourself and be very very polite.

If you ask I will be inclined to help you. If
you try to steal from me remember this..
I had all this other stuff prepared do you think
I forgot to make plans for those who would
attack my supplies.....

He who has the Gold makes the rules.......

Ever here that???

When you look at what is going on with the
government and the world.


It will lead to whomever is pulling the

Right now it leads to the world banking community..


Don't get cranky....

He found the hardhat on the
launch ramp....
He really likes chewing it up....
We are thankful there was not a head
in it.....
Around here you have to check.....

Update: His name is " Buccaneer "

My buc " Only dog I ever saw that is smart
enough to play stupid"

Hey what happened to that guy with the card check thing ???

Go outside and look up

Look about half way between the moon and the
South Eastern Horizon.

And tell me what the #$#@ is going on up there.

Update: There was a probe launch from Kennedy

Any lawyer want to take my Madoff case ????????

I didn't have any money invested.
Is that a problem???
I didn't think so...........

I am going to give you some homework....

I want every Lawyer, Politician, Scholar, Teacher
and Religious leader.

Answer this Question............

"In every hostile takeover regime communist
government in history. What did they do to the
people like you ???????"

They will just beat me for a while.......


It is false that saltpeter stops morning
The government in their infinite wisdom
would feed it to the troop like PEZ.

They also used to let you use cocaine, heroin
Pot, and arsenic. They also decided alcohol was bad
for you. Then when they found out it was costing them
money they said OOPPs.

Now it is just unbelievable "If you have an erection lasting more
than four hours your doctor will find you in a Nevada cat house"

Do you "Burp,Fart,Have ear wax, urinate, Swallow saliva,have hair or nails
that grow,itchy feet or palms, get hungry or thirsty at night, put gas in your car,
think its dark at night, forget the location of keys or felt the need to buy something.
Then we have the cure...


Side effects: Death, Death for everyone around you, leprosy, explosive deification
leading to death, Shortness or cessation of breath, low golf score, Stroke, Blindness,
Ebola, West Nile, bible meetings, AA, Prison, Move in with your mom and sleep with
your mother in law.

I would rather fight with the wife over what to do with the four
hour erection......

I can here it now...

"Why don't you use that to clean the gutters ?"
"Go ahead get a girlfriend ass#%^&"
"Poke that at me and I will cut it off"

If the Prez was for real...........

I know it is a fantasy but its
a laugh a minute.

Between the media and the Prez,
its like watching the simpsons,

Breaking Story: People didn't pay their
mortgages in Jan. and Feb.


How stupid would you have to be to
pay your mortgage.....

Oh....I am sorry

For public education...........

I am at a loss.......

On one hand I see the people on the

(Even Whoopi took a shot today)

On the other hand I see people being
led to the camps...

I am the same age as your leaders. I grew up
in their world. They were bad then and are worse

If you are 18 years old the government just sold your
grandchild to the banks.........

When you hear guys like me "bitching"
It is because I know what they are doing
and it is not good for you...

When you look back when you are my age.
You will go "Wow 8,000 dollars for a big Mac
what a rip off"

It will be the soy, uncooked, served on recycled toilet
paper big Mac, but you will not want to ask if you get
fries with that.........

Remember that I am just a bitchy old man......

Picture yourself as a mushroom.......

They keep you in the dark and
feed you shit...........

How true is that..............

I don't use bad language on this
blog for a reason.
But in this case??????????

2009 DD45 .2 Ld 35m Mar 2/09

Don't know what that means....
Let me

On March 2,2009
An asteroid named DD45
passed earth at .2 lunar distance
{it cruised right by your dish network bird}
It was 35m {a little less than half a football field} across
Time from detection until passing 72 hours

This happens every day but they do not tell you.
Here are today's numbers..

2009 EW .9 LD 23 m Mar 6/09

Check out

Don't think so ???...Email that post to MIT....

I will stand not behind but with
my research.

And if that does not give you gas !!!!!!1

H2 Hydrogen...........The big yellow thing in the sky....
The single most worshiped thing EVER......
Helium is only a small player in the scene.
{Hel III is interesting}
Hydrogen is the most basic thing of all time EVER
You can make it at home in one minute....
It is venting out of your car battery........
If you just flushed
you just flushed 1 gallon of fuel.
You can use water for fuel "surprise"
This has been known since about 1860

Two thirds of the planet is covered with fuel
They will not go towards hydrogen because if they
tell you how to get it they can't charge you for it.

Anything that uses gasoline, propane or natural gas
can use Hydrogen gas for fuel.

Here is the disclaimer:
Never mix pure oxygen with extracted H2 the result
is mass expanding outwards beyond 10,000 ft per sec.
"Mushroom Cloud"
Car Batteries hurt people {Always turn away}
A new battery only cost about 60 bucks
Taking the H2 from H2O requires electrical
power. Please make sure you are confident
and are sure you know how to deal with
volatile gas.
H2 is a little hotter than Propane.
When you burn it, it turns back into water.
No Ash, No Smoke, No Bill

UN the rest of ya'all.......

Would be best advised to stay out of this.
Get it


This has to stop at some point.......

If someone calls you a comrad or someone
tells you have a blessed day.......
What is the problem ????????

No father sweeping floors and cooking for his
children in Iran......(wishes you harm)

No father sweeping floors and cooking for his
children in Korea......(wishes you harm)

You have been sold this all your life..
The bad guy in the movies and cartoons was
always an Arab (Nice setup)

Commies in every closet (Watch out)

You sad sick people......
You do realize that the resorts in the Dominican Republic
are on the same island with Haitians......

During WWII do you think the guy changing oil in a car
in Berlin was mad at a guy changing oil in London.

You are being prepared for WWIII. They need your money
and they have dispensed with asking for it (Too Slow)

If you had an Atomic bomb what would you do with it.
You can't drop it on anyone, or they will return the favor...
You can not sneak it in {it's Radioactive}
Get it RADIO

The people that should not have and preached they
would not, sold you out for money.

They wanted to fight the "MAN" and when they could
They became.
"More Like Them and Less Like You"


You are not a part of any party......
Party politics in the USA is a smoke screen......

Ask this........
Was there any difference from July 4, 2008 until
now, except that you and you family have less money?

Did the Prez. help you out in any way in the last 45 days?

That's funny because he helped out everybody that was in
the game, but sorry you didn't get invited.

This July 4th look at what is on your grill and you will have seen
your change.................

Cal. Prop 8..............

In my opinion, you are presenting your cause
in the wrong way.

I personally don't really know what you want...
And I have gay friends I really care about.....
That don't really know what you want...

I'm straight and never married, I don't know????

Demanding your rights from a strong position is always
recommended. Trying to force your rights from every
crazy position you can think of (NO PUN) most likely will
not work.

I suggest, lay back and slide it in (Again no PUN)
Do not write me thinking I'm a basher.
I am and have always been one of Key West's
biggest fans.....

What are we going to do ????????

Another 45 days of this White House and
every dime in the USA will be locked up in debt
for the next 25 years.

I know "Sell a kidney overseas"

Tear out your lawn and plant food

You will need it

The high point of civilizations....."Ya Morons"

Please feel free to copy this pic and show it to any
Global warming (we are causing it) Tard you want to.
Then email it to NOAA, NASA, MIT, JPL, ESA and
Cal Tech. Ask them if anything depicted here is untrue.
And when you get your (Errr,uhh,umm,well) reply
please send it to me. I could use the laugh.

You live in the best of times and they are selling a
BS story to get rich.

Unlike the great civilizations before us that did what
they could to warn whoever made it through.

"You only scribe things in stone to make them last
through almost any disaster. We write on paper and
on electromagnetic medium. This post will not survive
and Ice Age or a flood or a solar flare."

If you want to see Global Warming........

Go on Craigs List and check out the
Politics section in different cities.

Wow, the new Prez is going down fast.

Even the Bush haters have turned on him
in places like Portland.........


CARBON-ATED..Get It ?????????

Pepsi and Coke don't care.......
They don't release CO2 "You Do"
Twist a cap or pop a top and that "PSST" sound
Co2 emission violator

Truth: CO2 is actually helpful to the environment.
Carbon Dioxide is vital to our world. It is what
comes out when you exhale.
Dry Ice is Frozen CO2
{1 Carbon atom + 2 Oxygen atoms}

Breath Out......
Co2 emission violator

They have scammed a way to tax you for being alive.
The next tax will be the "DNA source marker registry TAX"

So hold your breath until you get your stimulus

Beer Cap Trade........

I Love Pittsburgh you can explain everything in

The Prez wants to implement Cap and Trade
on Co2.

This is how it works.

Say you go to a tailgate party with a 30 pack and
the Cap says you can only drink 6 Beers.

After the first five minutes you will want to drink
beers 7 thru 30. To do this you will have to run
around the parking lot trying to find people that drank
less than 6 beers (Good Luck)
You will then have to buy (Trade) their beer rights so
that you can drink the rest of yours.

The bubbles in your beer are CO2

If we converted this equation to Crack before the
election the nation wide vote may have had a different

2.2 Trillion dollar give away...I'm thinking fuel perks

For those who missed it.....

The chairman of the Fed was asked today in
in congressional hearings......

Will you tell the American public what institutions
got the 2.2 trillion dollars of tax payer money?

Answer: NO

There is a good commercial out that can describe
what is going on, so take this and think about what
your new Prez is doing.

"If you spent 1 million dollars a day since Jesus was born
you could not catch up with what the new Prez spent last

And they have no intention of telling you who got your money.

Again not funny if not true........


Let me ask you a couple questions.............

If you walked out to your car and found people
removing the radio, tires, hood and going
through the trunk.

Would you ask sternly "What are you doing ?"

You would already know the answer but you
would ask anyway.......

They would then say anything not to implicate
themselves in any type of crime.

So why when you see them taking the radio
and tires off your country would you not ask
the same question ?

It's Spring Break and its Democrats Gone Wild.......

There is a Bill in the West Virginia legislature
to ban "Barbie" from the state.

(Source : KDKA)

Some idiot Demo representative actually wasted
tax payer money to write this crap...

Barbie I would assume did something wrong to
this gem of the political world.

If this idiot ever gets to go to a party with his
senior democratic males in Washington. He might find
that dressing up like the popular doll is all the rage.

Who votes for these people ?
Could you imagine what else is in this guys head ?

"Carbon Tax on Ladybug Poop amendment"
The economy can wait Damn It !!!!!!!!!!

Again this would not be funny if it wasn't true